"I mean, banishing 'corrupted angels' to Hell simply because they wanted something different than them, bit harsh, no?" I want to look over at him and give him a death glare so bad. But I don't. Instead, I bite the inside of my mouth while trying to ignore him. 

"Are you serious?" Cristella asks from across the room. Witches and fairies liked angels a lot. "They were given anything they could ever want. Endless love, a safe place in Heaven, and they decided to throw that away for a dark witch to make them stronger so that they could take over. They deserved to be banished."

"Did they, blondie?" Azriel crosses his arms. 

Cristella opened her mouth to probably insult him, but the teacher ended the conversation. I could see Azriel staring at me out of the corner of my eye. 

Once class ended, I turned and whispered to Adonis, "Meet me in the library."

I then collected my things and began walking there. The demon already knew who I was, there was no risk in telling anybody. And I needed to tell somebody I trusted. I needed advice on who it could be, I needed his help.

I stood near the corner, waiting for Adonis to come. I didn't doubt that he would, and he did, I let out a deep breath. Vampires were the only ones that did not appreciate angels. They don't want somebody to try and make them better, they want to stay how they are.

"Can I tell you a secret, Adonis?" I whisper as he reaches me. Usually, he'd be sarcastic, but not right now, he nods. 

I played with my hands as I confessed to him, "I'm an angel."

His head tilts. I quickly follow it up with, "I've been lying because I've had to. The killer, they were targetting angels, and now I'm the only one left."

He looks down at me. It feels good to finally tell somebody, but my stomach floods with anxiety. Part of me is worried he will feel betrayed, maybe drain me of all my blood for lying to him.

But he doesn't. Instead, he nods, "Okay. They've killed every other angel?"

"Yes," I tell him. I go on to tell him everything that's happened for the last few months.

"I need help, Adonis," I say. "I don't know who it is. But I need to find out, I need to get revenge for all my people."

I look up at his dark eyes, I need his help, I need him to tell me who it is. He runs a hand through his hair before slipping them into his pockets and leaning against the bookshelf. He asks me, "Who do you think it is, Valeria?"

My lips parted to answer, but I didn't have one. I let out a frustrated sigh. I told him, "I don't know. But whoever it is - this person has taken everything from me, Adonis. They killed my parents, all my friends, and even my mentor. I want to kill them."

His dark eyes move around my face. I knew he wasn't judging me, I wasn't worried about that, from the stories I've heard he isn't afraid to kill somebody if necessary either. It just felt so good to finally have somebody I knew I could trust.

"I'll help you," he says. I instantly smile. "I'll help you find them, Valeria, and I'll help you kill them."

It wasn't murder, it was retribution. As angels, we are not to kill, only protect, but this was different. I worried about killing them myself. Angels are strong, but so are demons. An angel's strength is natural, but demons aren't. They've had dark witches put spells on them to make them so much stronger than they would be on their own. But Adonis, with him helping me, I was far more confident than I would be on my own.

He takes a step toward me. I look at him. 

"Why are you always stuck in my head," he whispers. 

I swallow. I whisper back, "What we did was forbidden, you know."

"Forbidden and worth it," he says. "I'll answer to The Devil for it if necessary."

A smile slowly forms on my lips. I ask, "Do you believe you were going to go to Heaven beforehand, Adonis?"

"No," he's quick to say. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "But I don't want to be somewhere I can't touch you, anyway."

A group of students suddenly walked into the library, I quickly moved away from him as I cleared my throat. I said to him, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

He nods. I pick my bag up off the floor and begin walking to my room. Despite everything I was going through, having nightmares of a demon who knew my face and killed everybody I loved, I had one good thing. 

As I walk down the hallway, I pass Stella, who shoots me daggers. There is something different about this look compared to the other times. She looks angrier and whispers something to the person she walks with. 

But I ignored her, kept walking, and went into my room. 

Word Count: 1504

Word Count: 1504

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