camping - wonki

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request by: @anonymous!

hope you like it!! xx


the members were all still sleeping in their rooms, only one of them was awake at the early morning. their leader was busy looking trough all the stuff they had packed, just to make sure that they wouldn't forget anything for their trip.

they had a few weeks off so they planned to go on a trip to jeju together. it was mid-summer which means that it is the best weather for their trip.

jungwon was looking trough the last bag, which was riki's, when he heard a door open. "jungwon?" he heard sunoo call out for him. jungwon hummed back from their living room. "what are you doing?" sunoo walked inside the livingroom with a cold spoon in his hand, which he held on his eyes.

his hair was tied in a small ponytail and he was wearing pink pajamas, typically something sunoo would wear. their leader giggled when he saw his hyung.

"just checking if we packed everything." jungwon closed riki's back and stood up from the ground. "hyung, did you pack your extra skincare?" jungwon asked, not sure if he saw it in the olders bag or not. "yeah i did, it's down my bag." sunoo walked back to the kitchen.

"okay." jungwon nod and walked into his room shared with sunghoon, sunoo and riki.

he saw sunghoon and riki sleeping, he just didn't know how to wake them up since sunghoon wakes up but falls back asleep and riki just doesn't wake up. he decided to let them sleep a little longer and wake up the older ones first.

he walked to heeseungs room, which was down the hall. he knocked on the door. "hyung, can i come in?" jungwon asked, after knocking three times.

all he heard in response was a groan, which basically meant that he could come in. "hyung wake up, we're leaving in five minutes." heeseung shot up. "what!" jungwon laughed, he knew that was the only way heeseung would wake up. "i'm kidding hyung, just get up." jungwon pat his head. "be ready in 30, breakfast will be done by then." jungwon turned on the lights and walked out the room.

jake was a light sleeper, jungwon knew that he didn't need any effort to wake him up, just a small tap on his shoulder would be enough. that's exactly what he did. "jake hyung wake up~" jungwon whispered in the boys ear and watched his eyes open, exactly what he thought would happen.

jay on the other hand was a really heavy sleeper, he wouldn't get up. even when you play hard rock music in his ear, he wouldn't get up. they only way he would get up was either when he got a hug from jake or kiss from heeseung. jake saw the younger contemplating.

"won don't worry, i'll wake him up." jake sat up in his bed and took over the youngers job. jungwon agreed and decided to wake up the two remaining members.

sunghoon was already up, on his phone per usual. "sunghoon hyung are you up?" sunghoon hummed back. "okay be ready in 30, breakfast will be done by then." sunghoon hummed again, he wasn't the one to talk a lot in the morning and jungwon understood ofcourse.

riki was still sleeping, he was wearing shorts and a loose shirt, which made his collarbone expose. you could say that jungwon felt attracted to the younger, he just didn't know how to manage with it since the only thing they did was cuddle sometimes. even that was enough to make jungwons heart flutter.

riki was oblivious, he knew nothing about jungwon liking him. he was just minding his own business and loved the affection of his youngest hyung. it was a win-win situation for them both.

jungwon kneeled down in front of riki's bed, which was the lower bed of their bunker. he removed a few hairs that were falling in front of his eyes and whispered in his ear. "riki-ah wake up, we are leaving today."

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