Chapter 7

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Dimitar? He is surprised to see the same guy from the mall, He unties thier arms and legs

Damn kid why are you here or who are these two? (Dimitar?)

Hello, I'm Max and my friend next to me is Hugo, we are friends of Edvard, Hugo is helping him with his project. (Max)

Well, you're very talkative don't you, that's dangerous, you know? You may open your mouth in the wrong place and time ever. (Dimitar?)

And you're still going with that stupid idea? Oh really? Why do you keep trying. (Dimitar?)

This time there is progress, believe it or not. (Edvard)

Leaving that aside, what the hell are you doing here?. (Dimitar?)

I have come to ask you to help me continue improving my project, with your help in ballistics we will be able to greatly improve the prototypes that we have been working on all this time. (Edvard)

Oh really? You even made prototypes which I'm so impressed with right now. Say Dimitar? In an ironic way. But it's not a no, period. (Dimitar?)

How about we pay you, So even if you don't trust the project too much, you will earn money just by spending time trying experiments that can help us, everyone wins. (Hugo)

It sounds tempting but I must tell you that I am not cheap, if you can afford my services I may help you. (Dimitar?)

Hey Hugo, are you sure about this? We have money but I don't think that by pooling our savings we can hire his services. (Edvard)

Don't worry, I have a reserve from my part-time job, I think I have enough to pay him. (Hugo)

Wait seriously? Well, what do you work on?. (Edvard)

From time to time in my free time I make CNCs for independent clients, they pay quite well, but this is not the time to discuss this, So, what do you say? I would like to hire your services. (Hugo)

If you are not worried that you could be imprisoned if you do something illegal, then there is no problem, money is money even if it comes from a naive idea. By they way call me Dimitar. (Dimitar?)

That's not your name is it?. (Max)

In addition to being talkative, he is also insightful, Well, yes, you discovered that Dimitar is not my name but that is not something that concerns you. (Dimitar?)

Well that doesn't matter, a pleasure to work with you. (Edvard)

If the payment is continuous, there is no problem, then let's see those prototypes that you mentioned. (Dimitar?)

Oh right, that's in our makeshift laboratory if you could call it that way. (Hugo)

Then we will leave at dusk I don't want to attract attention and since they found this place it is no longer useful. (Dimitar?)

Understood, it's a plan then, We will leave first, this is our address, we will wait for you tomorrow night. (Edvard)

Edvard's group leaves the apartment heading to Bassel's restaurant to tell him the good news and prepare things for Dimitar's arrival. Meanwhile Dimitar stays in the apartment thinking to himself.

Hmmm i wonder what will result from this meeting? Well that doesn't matter I should prepare my things. (Dimitar?)

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