Chapter 6

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With Max's instructions on the whereabouts of our man we arrived at an area of the city which is made up of the vast majority of apartment complexes, not very large but in large numbers, According to Hugo's instructions, the closer we are to where it was sent, the greater the chance of finding it.

Edvard was walking along with Hugo and Max, Bassel had to stay behind to run his restaurant which, surprisingly, thanks to Max's help, is becoming a little better known, But that's a story for another time.

Any news Hugo?. (Edvard)

Yes in fact, the signal intensified as we approached this area, the bad thing is that since there are too many apartments and most of them are 3 floors, it will be difficult to determine where it comes from. (Hugo)

I told you this man had something strange the first time I saw him, he seems like a villain who thought of all the possibilities and was looking for the best hiding place for his evil lair. (Max)

I wouldn't call it a lair per se but even I have to admit that this guy knows how to hide well, How are we going to find it in this urban labyrinth? (Edvard)

The three of them thought for a while about the possibilities they had at hand and what would be the best way to act according to the situation.

What do you think if we are going to ask? (Max)

Although the idea is tempting, it would be almost impossible to know if anyone had even seen it, in addition to the fact that it would take us days to go from door to door to ask each person. (Edvard)

Guys, I think I have an idea, if I connect to the internet provider's server in this area I could know which houses in the entire area have internet access and it would also let me see the data about the use that these clients give it, which further reduces the search area. (Hugo)

"You're a genius, brother, it would never have occurred to me," says Max as he hugs him, excited about the search, "it's like searching for a treasure".

Hugo gives him a thumbs up and smiles "Never underestimate me".

Never that, let's go, we have a search to do. (Edvard)

Hugo does everything necessary and manages to enter the server after a while watching, the search area is greatly reduced making only 3 complexes the most likely where he will stay.

Ok these are our 3 objectives we will divide up and if anyone of the 3 manages to find them we will call the others to meet. (Edvard)

Hugo and Max nod in approval

The 3 separate and each one goes to their corresponding complex and investigates it.

Edvard arrives one with only one floor which makes it easier, meanwhile the other two have a total of 2 floors, the first one to end up in Edvard, being so small, did not take too long So he joined Hugo to help him on his quest.

Meanwhile, Max, who liked to explore so much, was able to search more fluidly for the complex he was assigned.

While Hugo and Edvard continue exploring Edvard receives a call from Max

Edvard I think I found it, the door to an apartment is slightly different from the others I think it would be a good idea if they came to check. (Max)

That's it, we're headed there, Keep an eye on the door if someone enters or leaves, call me immediately.

Roger that. (Max)

Hugo let's go apparently Max found the apartment. (Edvard)

Understood. (Hugo)

Edvard and Hugo head at full speed towards Max, they go up to the second floor where Max was waiting behind them in a corner that led to the hallway with the door.

Hey hey You finally arrive, for now no one has left and no one has arrived either. (Max)

Ok, the time has come. (Edvard)

Max comes forward and knocks on the door, Hugo tries to stop him but he was too fast to do so.

Don't hurry, we were supposed to be undercover. (Edvard)

Oh I'm sorry, it seems like I got excited hehe. (Max)

It doesn't matter anymore,  (Edvard)

Edvard knocks on the door without any response, he repeats it several times but with the same result, then he decides to turn the knob and it turns out that it was open, Edvard turns to see Hugo and Max, they nod.

I open the door and we enter, The place was very dark, the windows had the curtains closed so that no light came in and the lights were off, you could see a little thanks to the natural light from outside but it was not enough, We went in search of something that the guy could guide us but before doing anything the door closes, You hear something being knocked down, then that sound is repeated and finally they knock me to the ground and tie my arms and legs, I hear a voice

Who sends you?. (????)

Calm down, we just want to talk, we came to do nothing to you. (Edvard)

"That voice", the origin of the voice lights up the light revealed that indeed the man with the mysterious Aura, or as I knew him "Dimitar"

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