Chapter 4

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The days have passed, Days have passed, Most of them have been making plans for the prototypes that are going to be implemented, most of them have a simple design guided mainly based on paint guns.  In the end it is better to use paintball guns, Likewise, they are only prototypes that may vary.

Days passed and finally the package was delivered, in total they were 3 paintball guns, After all, it was difficult to get real weapons so we opted for something as similar and accessible as possible.

The first prototypes were somewhat disappointing, The speed of the projectile was not very useful,  Since the same one that came integrated was used And if we really wanted to do harm with this it would be of no use. Another aspect which should be improved is the type of ammunition, At first the design was modified so that it could fire .177 pellets which was successful but not as lethal or at least for the type we were targeting.

The second prototype was better made, with the knowledge of the first The second prototype was better made, with the knowledge of the first it was modified so that the speed of expulsion of the projectiles was greater which affected its firing speed making it slower, Another aspect that was modified was the type of ammunition it can handle, this time going from a .177 caliber of pellets to a .22 one, which was not much for the type of enemy we were trying to eliminate.But at least it was an improvement

After a few weeks the progress was slow but sure, everything possible was done to try to improve the prototype but with limited knowledge of ballistics and its creation Along with the lack of experience handling this type of issues, it would be best to seek help from a person who really knows about this.

Edvard in the end we will need to contact that guy, we are on the right track but not if we go blindly. (Hugo)

You think? The pace we are going is good, I believe that if we continue like this we will reach something. (Edvard)

Maybe you are right but that will make us take more time which we could implement into more useful things. (Hugo)

Do you have any ideas? I could try to contact him but I can't promise that I will be able to have another meeting with him.  (Edvard)

That time I listened to you while you were talking I was able to access your phone's microphone more easily, however his seems to be an old model not widely used which makes him, In a more difficult target to track, but don't worry they always leave evidence no matter how cautious they are. (Hugo)

What do you mean?. (Edvard)

Your chat with him could be the key to being able to track him, because of his phone model it is unlikely that he can use it to chat on his phone which means that I use something else to do it, Which guides us to the most logical option, a computer. (Hugo)

Oh I think I know what you mean but is that possible? The chat is supposed to have a type of security which makes it difficult to see who and where wrote the message. (Edvard)

That's what most people think, but there's always some way in, the government does it all the time, And I know how to do it, give me time but first tell me what he was like. (Hugo)

He was a man approaching 30, maybe between 25 to 28 years old, I wouldn't know exactly, he had a clearly mysterious countenance if you could put it into words, He had quite ordinary clothing, nothing flashy, something you could see anywhere, although I didn't have direct eye contact, it gave me the feeling that he had already done this type of thing in the past. (Edvard)

It seems that he takes many precautions, but this type of profile that you are describing to me sometimes has a fundamental flaw, customs, that type of person sometimes makes decisions based on What worked and what didn't, if it works for those people they will usually continue with that strategy until it no longer works or they get tired of using it. (Hugo)

As the saying goes, You can't teach an old dog new tricks?. (Edvard)

Something like that, so if I can decrypt your conversation I could get your IP address and see where the messages were sent from. (Hugo)

Can you really do that? You are amazing. (Edvard)

"I am proud of my talents". Hugo says it with quite a bit of pride.

Well how about we take a break? We've been down here for a while now, and I'm hungry. (Edvard)

Edvard and Hugo leave the warehouse heading to the establishment for a short break, While they are leaving the warehouse, it appears that Bassel is serving a customer something strange because of the time it was, quite late , but it turns out that the customer realizes where they came from.

Wow Where did they come from? From that hatch?. (????)

Immediately the young man, around 18 or 19 years old, jumps over the bar with great agility and passes through Bassel who barely had time to react, causing him to stagger a little, Almost dropping the food that was going to be served to this individual.

Let me see, what are you hiding there? Is it some super secret government laboratory? Or the entrance to an underground tunnel that connects to a nearby bank? Oh I know, it must be the base of operations for a super dangerous criminal organization. (????)

Hey hey get out of here, it's just a warehouse. (Edvard)

So why are they wearing those clothes and all that other guy's equipment?. (????)

The other boy he was referring to was Hugo with his equipment The other boy he was referring to was Hugo with his equipment and tools that we were using a moment ago.

Don't look at me, I'm just hmmm Oh yes the technician, there is an electrical problem and I came to fix it. (Hugo)

Oh really? Where from? I don't see any logo, which company?. (????)

The guy was overwhelming us with his questions that seemed to come out like a parrot so we asked Bassel to help us, Bassel gave us a thumbs up and approached the guy. And his right hand on his shoulder which compared to the guy was big.

"Please, I asked you to leave and come back to the bar, this place is only for employees".  Bassel says it in the most intimidating way he could, although it wasn't much, his appearance gave him more points for his purpose.

Oh my bad I didn't mean to bother.(????)

"Thank y-". As soon as Bassel let go of his shoulder, the guy slipped past Edvard and Hugo towards the hatch and entered the warehouse.

End of chapter

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