Confuse Labrador and Clingy Mainecoon

Start from the beginning

"I'm looking for the vibes, not the coffee," Jennie answered briefly.

Jisoo didn't respond to her sister's answer. Instead, she was distracted by a piece of paper that Jennie had framed on the nightstand next to her bed.

"First, the café isn't the place for doing assignments," Jisoo said while picking up a small frame that distracted her. "Secondly, what the hell is this?" Jisoo showed the frame to Jennie.

Jennie, who saw Jisoo's hand in the mirror's reflection, immediately started giggling after seeing the sketch of the cat. Jennie has always had the same response for the past few days whenever she looks at the sketch Lisa drew for her.

"L?" Jisoo said after looking at the sketch more carefully. "Dang girl, don't tell me you already have a secret fan?" Jisoo teased Jennie.

"So what? You feel threatened that your popularity will decline because of me?" Jennie teased her sister again.

Jisoo laughed out loud at Jennie's answer. "Me? Threatened? Nice one, Jen," Jisoo finally responded. "But seriously, what the hell is this?" Jisoo once again asked about the small frame.

"I don't know," Jennie said briefly while putting on lipstick. "It does look like me, don't you think?" Jennie wiped off the lipstick she had just used because she thought the color was too red.

Jisoo didn't respond to Jennie's question and stared at the cat picture. Jisoo narrowed her eyes several times, then changed her gaze back and forth between Jennie and the picture alternately.

"It actually does," said Jisoo, nodding. "But you hate cats," Jisoo added.

"Not anymore,"

Jennie arrived at precisely 11 am and parked her beloved car in front of the cafe. She purposely came two hours early to work on her assignments beforehand. She knew that when she met Rose, she wouldn't be able to concentrate on her tasks because they would likely catch up on things since their last meeting was a week ago.

As soon as Jennie stepped out of her car, she noticed that there were not many customers at the cafe yet. The cafe is located in a building and has two floors. From the outside, it looks cozy with modern architecture and a minimalist touch. The cafe has ample windows, and Jennie could see the baristas at work brewing coffee. The cafe's white paint color made Jennie a little dazed, even though she wore sunglasses.

The bell rang when Jennie pushed the entrance door open, and the aroma of coffee filled her nostrils. She loved this scent, and it unknowingly brought a smile to her face. On entering, she saw the barista counter full of various coffee equipment. The coffee machine almost filling the counter immediately grabbed her attention. Jennie adores all things vintage, and who knows if the sight of the coffee machine would make Jennie fall in love with the cafe, which she has only visited once.

"Jennie?" Someone called her name, and she spun around to see who it was.

"Unnie!" Jennie exclaimed joyfully at the sight of Wendy, who was cleaning the coffee machine that Jennie always used.

"Hey, you!" Wendy greeted her warmly. "Where have you been, girl? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!"

"Oh my God, unnie! I had no idea that you worked as a barista here!" Jennie exclaimed as she approached Wendy.

Wendy is Jisoo's bestfriend back in highschool. Both of them had a similar personality, and they were equally infamous for being reckless. Surprisingly, they both took turns being ranked first in school, which often left their teachers puzzled.

After graduating from high school, Wendy decided to follow her passion, which was sleeping, instead of pursuing further education. Jisoo shared the same passion, but she couldn't follow in Wendy's footsteps. Her father threatened to sell all her game consoles collection if she didn't go to college, which scared her.

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