Tomorrow Never Comes

Start from the beginning

"Because it's your pet,"


"Never mind," Seulgi said, throwing her hands up. "You're a weirdo," she chuckled.

Lisa decided to ignore Seulgi's comment and continued to ponder the similarities between Labradors and herself.

Seulgi had mentioned that Labradors love swimming and Lisa loves the ocean. She wasn't sure Labrador can read books, but as Seulgi had said, they were smart animals, which meant they had two things in common with Lisa. Unlike Seulgi, who could be a bit rebellious at times, Labradors were always obedient, just like Lisa, who always followed the rules.

"Wait," Lisa said suddenly, interrupting Seulgi's thoughts. "Can Labradors be friends with cats?"

"Probably," Seulgi answered, looking thoughtful. "They are known for being friendly with humans and other animals. They're always into something fun," she added with a smile.

Lisa nodded, "But I'm not like that," she muttered to herself.

"Like what?" Seulgi asked. "Labradors?" she snorted.

Lisa didn't respond to Seulgi's teasing but instead looked at her with a poker face.

Seulgi suddenly burst out laughing, "Dude, you're anything but a Labrador. Trust me," she continued to chuckle.

Lisa couldn't understand what was so funny. Was Seulgi making a joke? Was Jennie making fun of her?

Suddenly, she felt insecure and remembered the hurtful words her father had said. Maybe he was right, no one would want to be friends with an autistic person like Lisa.

Even Seulgi, who Lisa considered an ally, still called her a weirdo.

"Who am I to you?" Lisa asked, interrupting Seulgi's laughter.

Seulgi's laughter slowly subsided, "Sorry, what?" she asked, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"What's our relationship?" Lisa asked, still with a straight face.

Lisa didn't know what she was hoping to hear from that question. It had escaped her lips before she could stop it as if her heart was speaking for her. Deep down, she still clung to the hope that her father's words were not entirely true.

Seulgi was caught off guard by Lisa's unexpected question. The memory of the same question asked by another girl she had fooled around with these months rushed back to her.

"What do you mean, man?" Seulgi laughed awkwardly. "It's not like I hook you up, didn't I?" Seulgi tried joking.

Hook you up? Lisa was confused by Seulgi's words because she again compared Lisa to an animal.

"I'm not fish. You can't hook me up," Lisa said in a serious tone.

Seulgi stifled a giggle upon hearing Lisa's answer, which was quite naïve. It dawned on her that Lisa was not accustomed to using certain terminologies. Lisa sometimes struggled with unfamiliar phrases and expressions.

"Just give me the answer, Miss Kang. What are we?"

Seulgi shivered as she rubbed her arms, clearly unsettled. "What do you want me to say? I swear to God, the way you asked me that question gave me chills," she said, her voice laced with unease. "You sound like Naeyon, you know that?"

Naeyon? Lisa racked her brain, trying to remember which girl that was. She'd lost count of how many friends Seulgi had been hanging out with lately, but she thought this Naeyon girl might have been the latest addition. Apparently, Lisa had been wrong – Seulgi had been spending more time at her house recently, which meant she wasn't friends with Naeyon anymore.

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