Chapter Nine: Maybe It's Time To Give Up.

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*ugh my wattpad is still glitched and won't let me put shit in the middle or do my usual alignments bruh*

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

*ugh my wattpad is still glitched and won't let me put shit in the middle or do my usual alignments bruh*


I thought we were getting somewhere. I thought that day he could at least start tolerating the idea of talking to me again. Everything was going smoothly? The banter, the energy, I thought we were starting to get in talking terms again. But it's been two weeks since I helped him with homework. He hasn't talked to me since that day.

The only time he talks to me is when he's forced to. Like when we are near his parents to keep up the act. Or when we are going to or from school. Really basic stuff but when I try to talk about something, anything, he's back to being a dick...

Once again he tells me only to text him when it's important.

My mind went crazy with all the possibilities of what went wrong. Did I tease him too hard? Maybe I shouldn't have even tried to joke around with him? Did he think I was flirting with him? He was joking back with me...

It felt normal. Like I was in my room on the phone with him and we had our usual back and forth banter.

Maybe I was too close to him and made him uncomfortable? Or I didn't look good at the moment? I even considered that he saw my arms but that's impossible. I know it is but the 'what if's' are killing me.

Why? Is the question that continually repeats in my mind. Why did he even talk to me that day? Sure for homework right? So I tried to use that to my advantage but suddenly he's a god at math and never needs my help anymore. I just stopped offering at this point, no use.

I've tried to distract myself by doing homework, texting Gaara or Karin. I've hung out with Gaara a few times, he's fun and showed me some spots I hope I'll be able to explore with Naruto. Smoked with him a lot, I couldn't resist it, I needed an escape. An escape from my thoughts, that house, just everything. We would smoke out in his car, talk, and smoke some more. It was a vibe hearing all of his stories from this shithole he's lived in his entire life.

I really felt him when he was talking about his past relationships. He talked about how he'd experiment around a lot and exposed a lot of guys who in Gaara's words "were on the DL at our school" for hanging around with him. I learned that DL just means you're still in the closet while messing with other guys.

But it was obvious how Lee was his first, real relationship. He showed me what he looked like. I was so shocked, he had big bushy eyebrows, owl eyes that felt like they were staring into my soul, and a bowl cut. He looked odd to say the least. Especially when Gaara took pictures of them together, their aesthetics were on complete opposites of the solar system.

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