Chapter Four: Confronting Our New Reality.

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What the fuck am I doing?

I've been sitting here for the past two hours. Two girls came up to me, which was very annoying to deal with. I didn't mean to be so mean to those girls. I'm just not in the state for talking.

I can't do this. I already threw up and almost cried on the plane from my nerves. Maybe I should've taken the pills. Okay, it's too late for that. I've already lied to Minato and Kushina about not being here in time. I was on time, but I don't think I can do this.

This is stupid. What am I doing here?

I dug my nails deeper into my scalp. I don't know... I looked up for a split second to look around but instantly looked back down. My elbows are on my knees, with my leg tapping that hasn't slowed down for the past hour.

Hell, I don't even know where I am. I should've done more research on Konoha. The plane was so embarrassing. I held myself together, though, well, besides throwing up and trying to contain my panic attack within my seat.

That poor flight attendant, I could barely speak, and I had to hand her that bag of my throw-up. I drag my hands down my face.


I'm gonna kill myself.

There's not much stopping me!

Okay. Well, let's back up a few steps.


"Okay, you have everything you need, correct? Toothbrush, clothes, winter clothes! You have a coat, correct?" My Mother asked as she looked in my backpack.

"Yes ma'am." I droned. I'm so tired. Why'd they book this flight to be so fucking early? It's dark and cold. I don't mind cold weather, but I should've put on more layers.

"Uh, what else...?" She trailed, her brows furrowed in thought as she stopped digging through my bag.

"I packed enough underwear, shirts, pants, shampoo, and your skincare." She listed off her fingers.

"Mikoto, honey, he's eighteen. He's grown enough to take care of himself." My Father said as he took my other suitcase from the back of the car.

We're at the airport, in the front, with my Father's car parked along the curb of the entrance. My flight leaves in three hours, but my dad always makes us come super early because "you never know". I agree but three hours? I'd prefer two hours before. My flight leaves at 9 am, and I can barely keep my eyes open.

"You have your medicine right?" She questioned. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at me hard. "You need to take them consistently." She reminded, flicking my forehead.

"Ow." I held my forehead. "Mom," I whined.

Damn, she and Itachi are obsessed with my forehead. Is it big or something?

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