Chapter Eight: Does It Get Better?

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I released a slow breath as I let the pain in my arm soothe me. I stared blankly at my arm, my vision unfocused as I felt my heart rate calm back down, my mind goes numb, and my eyes closed. Slowly breathing and picking at my scabs is what I sat in his car doing for the past ten minutes. I hate arguing with him. I can't take this. I winced as I got the scab I'd been working on to fall off. I pulled down the sleeves of my shirt to stop the bleeding for now.

Does he have any tissues? It got a little messy in here. I'm sorry Naruto. Fuckk I'm so light-headed right now. I want to take a nap. I'm curled up to the best of my ability, laying with my back to the door. I need to wake up. I told myself to get up repeatedly in my head but my body is so tired.

It would be dangerous to sleep in here with the car off and no window cracked. Ugh...

After a good five minutes of debating myself in my head, I got up. I leaned over to the glove compartment to check if he had any napkins in there. Which he surprisingly did. I used them and my water bottle to clean up the area. After that I reached back to grab my backpack and got out of the car, making my way inside the house.

Just stepping in here is getting me heated again. As I walked to my room, I could hear him blasting his music and him cursing.

Ah, he's on the game. I brought my PS4. Maybe we could...

I shook my head. Forget it. I told myself and walked into my room, closing the door behind me. I shrugged off my backpack and plopped face-first into my bed. After a few seconds, I kicked off my shoes and got into bed, and called Karin.

It took a few rings but she eventually answered the facetime.

"Hey!!" She yelled excitedly. She was in her car, sipping on a smoothie from this place I showed her a while ago. She had the phone up on her dashboard. She looked good today. Dressed in a tight purple shirt, my gray jacket she stole, and some generic blue jeans with hella holes in them. Complemented by her usual spikey hair and glasses.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"Home. Or maybe to this girl's house I've started talking to. I don't really know, but tell me about school!! How was it!"

"Dude where do I start?" I groaned, today killed my already nonexistent social battery. "I hate the school, it's ugly, old, small, and smells. I don't know how to describe the stench but it's there."

Karin giggled and took a sip from her smoothie. "Okay valid, but hey a small school works in your favor."

"Yeah, it did but this popular thing." I sighed. "I hate how I'm about to sound. But like they were all over me. I hated it. Everyone is like a sheep. Superficial as hell and I kept getting asked the same rotating three questions, every class, every time I walked through the hallway, just everywhere."

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