six | moonlight song

Start from the beginning

It smells like heaven in here. There is a massive shelf of books the reaches the top of the high ceiling. There are leather seats, a table with chess carved into it, and a massive piano near the window that takes up the whole wall. 

The piano is practically calling me. My fingers twitch with longing. My brain and my heart are fighting each other. 

My brain yells at me: "Don't you remember all of the bad things that happened with a piano? Huh? Don't go over there!" 

My heart calls out: "But don't you love it? Don't you want your fingers to press down on the keys and listen to beautiful sounds?" 

After standing there for at least three minutes, my heart wins the battle in my mind. I settle onto the bench, and lift the lid. 

Memories swarm my mind. 

Isn't she such a doll? 

Hold still, little one. 

Keep playing for me. 

I squeeze my eyes shut. Take a deep breath. 

My fingers move automatically across the keys. Even as I become comfortable, my eyes remain closed. My posture relaxes. 

A smile forms onto my lips. 

My body begins to slightly sway with the music. 

I imagine myself in the middle of a field full of flowers. Far away from Sir and the asylum. Far away from all my worries. 

Just me and my piano. 

Perfect paradise. 

The song ends faster than I'd have liked. My eyes open. I straighten up, place my hands in my lap, and stare down at the keys. My feet sway. 

My senses spike when I feel people behind me. I feel their breathes. Their movement. Their confusion and their awe. 

Suddenly they begin to clap. 

I glance over my shoulder and see Mother and Father standing there. They're smiling brightly, majestically. 

I stand up immediately and turn to face them, my legs bumping into the bench. My eyes are wide in fear. I subconsciously reach behind my neck and trace my number. 




Is that all I'll ever be? 

"That was wonderful, Lila! I didn't know you could play the piano. You're a prodigy. How did you learn?" My mother talks with great enthusiasm with makes me paranoid. 

Sir was enthusiastic with my musical gift. 

Look where that got me. 

"Sir— Ivanov taught me," I mumbled. 

She stops and frowns for a moment, but she nods, her smile quickly coming back. She takes me into her arms and hugs me tightly. 

"Feel free to come to this room whenever you'd like, Lila. I loved hearing the piano being played. It hasn't been used for years," Father sighs with a grin. 

I nod, and muster out a 'Thank you.' 

Why is he acting like I'll be staying? 

Aren't they going to send me away soon? 

"When will I be leaving?" I ask, deciding to just face my fears and quit acting like a little pathetic coward. 

Mother breaks away from me, outrage swimming in her eyes. "What? Who gave you the idea that you'd be leaving us?" 

"I'm still crazy. Aren't I going back to the... asylum?" 

Mother begins to wildly shake her head. "No! No! Of course you are not going back to that dreadful place. You were never supposed to be there in the first place." 

Her tone is so sincere. She grips my hands with concern. I gaze into her eyes filled with utter love for me. No one else. Just me. 

Such a feeling.

All of these new feelings. 

I've never experienced them before. 

I like them. 

I like it here. And I don't want to leave. Ever. 

Tears well up in my eyes. I let out a choked sob. Suddenly Father is right next to us, his arms engulfing both Mother and me. 

"I love this," I whisper. "Here. With you." 

Father hugs us tighter. "I love you, Lila." 

My heart is exploding with pure joy. 






This is what I've always wanted. Ever since I was a scared toddler at the asylum. This is the only feeling I've craved. 

J o y


Hello, loves! 

This chapter was a bit slow, not too much action, but it shows more of Lila's inner thoughts and her passions.

Hopefully you liked this mini family bonding bit. 

I'll be updating shortly. 

Au revoir, 


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