Chapter 14: Future Plans

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"Y/N wake up." A voice said shaking me. I opened my eyes to see Luke. "C'mon time to dump some bones into the ocean!" Luke said happily. After managing to get everyone up, we all head up the stairs to the parking lot. Suddenly the bag Leyley had in her hand teared and the skulls rolled down the stairs. We all stood their in silence looking at the skulls. After making sure no one was there, Leyley ran down the stairs, grabbed the skulls and ran back up. "It's a good thing no one is here at this time." Juila said. We all got in the van and drove to a bridge. We hid in the dark and looked down as the ocean splashed against the rocks. Then Luke dropped the bags in the ocean. "So do you think the the skulls will be ok on the ocean?" Julia asked. "It should be. Anyway Y/N I bet you can't throw a skull farther then I can!" Luke said throwing me a skull. "Ok bet." I said standing next to him. "Three, two, one, go!!" Andy and Leyley both sayed then Luke pushed me, making the skull go the other way. "Hey you cheated!" I said to Luke. "Hey I didn't say pushing was not allowed." Luke said laughing. Julia tried to hold her laughter as Andy and Leyley couldn't hold theirs'. "So we the plan now?" I asked a few minutes later. "Well we have money now so we can probably stay somewhere and change our identities in case the investigation of the hit man is still going on." Luke said.  "Do we have to?" Andy complained. "Well unless you wanna be caught then yeah." Juila said. "We can probably stay at the hotel since they accept cash." I said. "Alright let's go then!" Luke said getting in the car. " Julia get your butt over here!" Luke yelled from the driver's seat. "Wait let me finish this!" Juila yelled holding her cigarette. After what felt like hours, Julia got into the car as we drove back to the hotel.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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