Chapter 12: The Truth

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I looked at the floor to see what we are missing. Well we can't do anything about the missing music but I could at least draw the missing runes. So I used Luke's knife and got blood from Mom. "Are you going to kill us?" Mom asked nervously. "No" I said drawing the runes. "Then what is this?" Mom asked in disgust. "Don't worry about it." I said reassuring her. She gave me death stare so I guessing she does not believe me. "So about that explanation." Mom said as I finished the runes. " That's okay I don't care." I said I'm knowing not to fall for her lies. "No you deserve the truth you see the summer camp was a lab where people are volunteered to do experiments on substances for money. So me and your dad needed the money and we couldn't do it, so you were are only option." Mom said. "You sold me to be a lab rat for money?" I said trying not to yell. "Yes and I am a horrible mother for that. No child should deserve that." Mom said feeling guilty. "Honey we are not bad-" "No we are!" Mom said cutting Dad off. I was speechless. "But there is a way to fix this. If you want money I could get you a job but they might not have many jobs for 14 year old.  But we can find you one and you can live here if it doesn't work out and you can get rid of your.... friends." Mom said looking at Luke. "So what do you say?" "We do need the money." I thought. "Don't listen to her Y/N. She is just lying to you again." Luke said stepping in. "Well about my friends, I wish you would stop talking bad about them." I said holding the knife to her throat. "Now let's not fight about it!" Dad said. "What with the death certificate?" I asked. "It is nothing but a scam, when I asked for this month's money they said that you died in the fire so I couldn't see for myself." Mom said sighing. "Another lie." I thought. "Where are you going?" Mom asked as I walked away. "Finishing the ritual." I answered using Juila's lighter to light the candles. "Oh come on, we still fix this." Mom said. "Thanks but I'm not interested." I answered. "But that doesn't make-" "We got the money!!!" Andy yelled as he, Leyley, and Juila came down to the stairs. "Alright let's summon the demon." I said. "What are you talking about?" Mom asked nervously. "Quiet you I let you talk long enough." Luke said holding the gun. "Hello Mr or Mrs Demon, come on out!" Leyley called. Suddenly the room grew dark and the demon appeared once again.

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