Chapter 11: Captive

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Luke POV

Luke POV

Suddenly we heard footsteps so me and others hid in front of the couch while Y/N sat on the couch. "Y/N you awake? I need to talk to you." Y/N's mom said. "Isn't it late to talk now?" Y/N asked yawning. "Yes I'm know that but I own you an explanation of everything." She said. Before she could say a word, I held a gun to her. "Don't say a word or I'll shoot you." I said smiling. "Y/N-" Y/N's mom started to say but Y/N looked away. I made her go to the basment and sat her by a pole. "Y/N can you get your dad?" I asked handing him my knife. He nodded and headed up the stairs. "This is crazy." Y/N's mom muttered under her breath but I showed her the gun and she shut up real quick. Well let's say Y/N was right about no one will know the gun is empty, as long as I have it out. A few minutes later, Y/N brought down his dad, holding the knife to his throat. Julia found some rope and tie them both to the pole. "Alright let's set up the ritual abd-" Hold on Mom what's your credit card number?" Y/N asked cutting me off. Y/N mom told him and he wrote it down on a note. "Ok I'll be right back, Don't do anything." Y/N said looking at me. "Ok." I said smiling. I will if they behave. Y/N went up the stairs leaving us here with the prisoners. "I guess we can set the ritual up." I said. " So we need a red circle, candles, and music." "Ok do you still have the knife with you?" Julia asked. "No Y/N has it." I said. Julia ran up the stairs then a few minutes later she came back with a kitchen knife. "Alright here's what's going to happen, I am draw blood from you and if you scream then Luke is going to shoot you. Got it?" Juila said calmly. "You are going to get the money, why do you need blood for?" Y/N Mom asked. "Don't worry about it." Luke said stepping in.  So Julia got blood from both of them and drew the circle around them. While Andy and Leyley found some candles and placed them around the circle. Suddenly Y/N came down the stairs. "Hey you're back." I said smiling. "You have a draw limit on your card." Y/N said annoyed. "I do?" Y/N's mom asked. "Yeah it locked me out. Now get up you have a call to make." Y/N asked getting her up. "I'll go with her." I volunteered as we went up the stairs. I called customer service and waited. After what felt like hours, someone finally answered. After a while of talking, the limit was removed. "Alright back to the basement you go!" I said dragging her down the stairs. "Alright we're all good." "Alright me, Andy and Leyley will get the money while you two stay here." Julia said. We nodded as they headed up the stairs.

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