Chapter 3: Treats and Rituals

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We followed the man into a back alley. Then the men typed in a code and went inside. "What do you think the code is?" Luke asked coming out from behind the garbage can. I went to the code panel and typed in 123 and the door opened. "That was easy" I thought. We opened the door and was stopped by two cultists. "Hey you should not be here!" One of them yelled. "Oh it is this the demon summoning party?" Luke asked smiling. "H-How did you find out about that I mean no there is nothing there." The other one stuttered. "Anyway leave!" "Of course we are leaving." I said pushing Luke out. "Looks like we need to find another way in." I said as we are standing outside. "I could use one of Julia's cigarettes right now." Luke said. As we were walking, I stepped on what looked like a key. When I showed it to Luke, he took it from me and open a door that led us to a storage area. Suddenly there was a ding so me and Luke hid against the wall of the stairs. "This will have to take two trips. The cultist complained. As he took the cart, he shoved a piece of cake in his mouth and headed down the elevator. So Luke shoved me into a cart and got a blanket to put over us. When the man came back, he complained how heavy the cart was but carry down the elevator. When it felt like hours, the cart stopped, we got out and hid behind a wall to see what was going on. " Alright I know you all are here for the free coffee but first let us start the ritual." The old man in a robe said, standing on a stage. So all the cultist came into the circle and began to chant the name "Lord Unknown" over and over again. After a while of chanting his name, it was clear that it is not showing up. "Hmm it's funny that Leyley has summon something on his first try." Luke whispered holding his laughter. "Yeah." I agreed also holding my laughter. "Looks like Lord Unknown is with us but only in spirit." The old man said disappointed. "Uh I brought some cake but someone stole a piece." A cultist said nervous. "Oh can we have some?" Another asked. "Of course enjoy yourselves." The old man as he walked down the stage. Until he saw us. "Where are your robes?" The old man asked looking at us. "Oh we skipped coffee over ours " Luke said quickly. "Idiots" the old man muttered as he headed out the door. Since he got our answers we both decided to leave as well. After we got yelled by the two cultists again this time for not being dressed properly, we made it outside and headed back to the others.

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