Chapter 7: Meeting A Second Time

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Leyley POV

As Luke drives I started to drift asleep. I woke up to standing in a pile of leaves. As I looked around I see a red sky with bare trees everywhere. "Is this a dream." I thought. I patted my head to feel tiny horns on my head. "They came out?!?" I thought panicking. "Well might as well look around." So I looked around while picking up red flowers. Only to be thrown to make a path to get to the other side. "Everything looks the same!" I complain as I walked. After a while I came to face a demon." "Hello again, I told you I will see you again." The demon said. It was the demon I summoned in the apartment. "Where am I?" I asked confused. "In a dream, I have summoned you here to make a deal." The demon sayed. "Ok?" I said still confused. "Your gift it is useful, to blend in with society?" The demon asked. He was talking about my ability to look human." "Yeah it has thank you." I said. "However to keep your disguise then you must give me a soul in return." The demon said. " If I don't have my disguise then that could lead to more problems." I thought. "Ok deal I will try to find some." Before I could ask how to get out of here, the demon vanished. So I collected more flowers and went through a bunch of doors until I came into a garden of red flowers. "Please let me leave!!" I begged. "Hey Leyley wake up." The voice of Andy said. "I trying to!" I shouted back. "Leyley?" Y/N said getting concern. "Help me please!!" I said starting to panic. Suddenly I woke up to see everyone looking at me. "Oh good we were about to take you to the hospital." Julia said relieved. "Cna they even treat demons?" Luke asked. "No." I mumbled trying to get up from Andy's lap. Anyway let's hurry up and get Y/N 's rocks before his parents come back." Luke said as we all got out of the car and went to look for Y/N's house.

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