Midnight Flight

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"Cal, wake up." Leo whispered, gently shaking the sleeping girl.

She kept sleeping. So he tried again.

"Cal!" This time he whisper shouted. "Your boyfriend is being attacked by monsters!" No response. "The Waystation is on fire!" No response. "Beyoncé is dead!" No response. Leo decided to worry about the fact that his girlfriend didn't care about the queen later.

"There's a rabbit in your garden!" This time Leo got results.

"Filthy rodent!" Calypso yelled, shooting up in her  bed and hitting her head against Leo's.

"Ow!" They yelled in unison, Leo shushing her quickly after.

"What are you doing here?" Calypso asked, realizing Leo was in her bedroom in the middle of the night when he wasn't supposed to be.

"I'm trying to ask you a question." Leo answered, rubbing his head.

"Couldn't it wait until morning? What time is it anyway?" Calypso looked at her clock on the table. It read 11:57. "Leo?! What are you doing awake this late? And why are you waking me up?"

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go on a flight with me."

"Leo are you insane?! It's like 12 am!"

"Exactly!" He said. "Nobody is going to be awake to see us, and the stars are really pretty tonight. You wanna know why I thought of asking you? Because I was looking at the stars and I thought, these stars are really pretty. Then I thought of you, because you're also really pretty." He smiled, for once no joking glint in his eyes.

Calypso cleared her throat, blushing. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She tried to play off the fact that Leo had made her blush like a schoolgirl. "I was going to say yes anyway, you don't need to make a declaration of love to me."

"Whatever." Leo rolled his eyes jokingly. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door and down the hallway to his room, where he led her out onto the balcony where Festus was waiting. "Vamos Cal, aventura te espera!" He said, climbing on and holding his hand out to her. She took it, hauling herself up behind him and fastening her arms around his abdomen.

Leo bent down, putting his mouth near where Festus's ear would be if he had ears. "Muy bien amigo, vamos a darle un paseo que no olvidará." Alright buddy, let's give her a ride she won't forget.

"Are you conspiring against me with Festus?" Calypso asked feigning hurt.

Leo played along. "Alright, you caught me. But I bet you didn't know I was conspiring to do this!"

"Do wha-" Calypso started. She cut herself off when Festus jumped off the balcony, flying completely vertical into the clouds. "AAAAHHH!" She yelled, clinging to Leo even tighter and screwing her eyes shut. At the same time, Leo lifted his arms up, holding himself on the mechanical dragon with his legs, screaming in delight.

"Leo are you insane?!" Calypso asked, grasping onto him even tighter.

"Yes, but that's not relevant right now. Just open your eyes."

"Not until we slow down."

"Where's the fun in that?" Leo asked, twisting his head to look at Calypso.

"In the not dying part." She answered snarkily, still holding Leo in a vice-like grip.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad."

"Yeah, until one or both of our bodies fall off and go splat!"


"Yes, splat. And why are you smirking?"

Leo answered. "Because you can tell I'm smirking because your looking at me."

By this time Festus had leveled out and was gliding above the clouds with his passengers. Calypso had gotten lost in the familiarity of bickering with Leo and had forgotten she was supposed to be scared.

Calypso turned and leaned her head against Leo's back, staring out at the clouds. "I didn't know it was so pretty up here."

"I'm going to ignore the major change of subject and just agree with you." Leo turned and looked out across the sky, his gaze finally going to rest on Calypso. After a moment she noticed his stare.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing, I'm just admiring my gorgeous girlfriend." Leo said theatrically. Calypso blushed.

She kissed his cheek suddenly, prompting him to turn back to her. "What was that for?" He asked.

"Nothing. I just love you."

"Of course you do, who doesn't?" Leo smirked.

She turned away. "Never mind, you ruined the moment."

Leo grabbed her hands. "No, I'm sorry baby, I love you." He nudged her cheek with his nose, kissing her when she turned around.

Calypso kissed back briefly, before pulling away. "If we're just going to make out and not admire the stars, can we go back to the Waystation? It's cold up here."

"Yeah, we should probably go back and try to get some more sleep before Apollo shows up in all his, bright glory."

Calypso chuckled, leaning onto Leo's back once again as Leo guided Festus back to the Waystation. He dropped Calypso off at the balcony connecting to her bedroom, and helped her down.

"Night Sunshine."

"Night Repair Boy."

Calypso turned to go inside, but Leo grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him, chastely kissing her on the lips. Calypso pulled away and turned, walking inside. Leo stared after her for a couple seconds, a lovesick grin on his face. Festus snorted, which was robot dragon talk for Dude, you are so smitten.

"Shut up." Leo told him.

I wrote half of this 3/4 of the way asleep so it might be bad. I just wanted to get something out or else I'd feel like I was letting you guys down.

Life's been a bitch. I was diagnosed with Bipolar and my cat keeps waking me up in the middle of the night for no reason.

As always, you are more than welcome to leave a request for something you'd like to see.

Have a good day/night and be nice!

Caleo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now