Groundhog Day

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This is late but happy Groundhog Day!

"I'm done Leo!" Calypso said, her arms filled with books of all different genres. Her and Leo were walking around Indianapolis when Calypso had spotted a bookstore and dragged him in.

"That is a lot of books, Cal, I don't know if Emmy gave us that much money." 

"Don't worry, I have plenty of drachmas." she replied, setting her books on a nearby table and reaching into her pocket.

"That would be great," Leo started, "but I'm pretty sure this place only accepts US dollars. This isn't ancient Greece, remember?"

"Right, sorry. It's been a while."

"It's okay, you're still getting used to this."

"Yeah. But Leo, you won't believe the ridiculous things some of these books are about. There's these books called The Hunger Games, and they're just about a bunch of people killing each other to win a competition." (I never read the Hunger Games, but this is how my friend described them to me in a nutshell)

They went to the cash register, and had just enough money to pay for the books. 

"Pretty surprising Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow, huh?" The cashier said, making conversation while he got a bag for Calypso's books.

"Yeah, we finally get early spring for once." Leo replied, while Calypso stood there, confused.

The cashier nodded, bagging Calypso's books and handing them to her. She took them, still confused as Leo grabbed her hand and led her out of the store and back toward the Waystation.

"Who is Puxatawny Phil, and why did he see his shadow? And what was that about early spring?" Calypso asked Leo, her brain gears churning desperately. 

"Punxsutawney Phil. He's a groundhog. And he didn't see his shadow, so we're going to have an early spring this year."


"It's an American holiday called Groundhog Day. Every year on February second, a groundhog comes out of his burrow to see if it's warm enough to end hibernation. If he sees his shadow, that means it's too cold, and the country has a couple more weeks of winter, but if he doesn't see his shadow, that means we'll have an early spring." Leo explained.

"You let a rodent tell you what season it is? And this year, since he saw his shadow, you're going to start spring in February? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard."

"What can I say, we Americans need our ridiculous holidays. Just like we need our ridiculous measurement and temperature systems."

"Ridiculous measurement and temperature systems?"

"After we gained our independence from Britain, we decided, 'Oh, we need to be different and quirky, lets make a whole new system of measurement. It'll be harder than just using the one that the rest of the world uses, but it'll be worth it.'" Leo completed his act with ridiculous acting of George Washington.

Calypso giggled, opening the door of the Waystation, where they'd arrived during their conversation.

They went inside and sat on the couch, snuggling into each other.

Leo smiled, getting an idea. 

"Do you know what a French kiss is?" he asked, looking at Calypso and smirking.

"No," she replied, smiling slightly, "what is it?"

"It's kind of hard to describe. I think you'd understand better if I demonstrated." He leaned closer, pressing his lips against hers and closing his eyes, savoring the moment. 

Calypso responded, putting her hands on his shoulders, sinking into his touch.

Leo pulled away, opening his eyes.

"I don't think I completely understand it yet, could you demonstrate it again?" Calypso asked, feigning innocence.

Leo chuckled, pulling her close to him once more.

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