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Leo was nervous. He wasn't usually this nervous about anything, even saving the world. But Calypso was coming back from Band Camp today and they hadn't exactly by left on good terms.

"Hey Leo. I just came to tell you that I'm leaving soon." Calypso leaned against the door frame of Leo's bedroom.

Leo stood. "How long are you going to be gone again?"

"Two and an half weeks." Calypso answered.

"Well, see you in two and a half weeks then Mamacita." Leo grinned.

"I told you to stop calling me that." Calypso said, annoyed.

Leo's grin faltered for just a second. "It's just a nickname," he said, "relax."

That was it for Calypso. The taught string in her snapped.

"Yeah I know that it's just a nickname, but that's not what I'm talking about!" she yelled. "I'm talking about how you wave everything off like it's nothing! You don't take anything seriously!  You don't respect other people's wishes, and-"

"I do respect other people's wishes!" Leo yelled back. He knew he shouldn't have, but he couldn't help it. All his life people had called him a joke, foolish, and he didn't need to hear it from the girl he loved too. Or maybe he didn't love her, he couldn't really tell right now. "I think you just need to let some things roll off your back!"

"I am perfectly capable of letting things roll off my back!" Calypso screeched.

"This argument begs to differ." Leo muttered, loud enough for her to hear.

"Oh my gods! I'm leaving." She stormed out, fuming.

"Fine!" Leo said, trying to get the last word.

But maybe now, after they'd both had time away from each other to reflect and grow, they could get along. Maybe.

"Leo," Emmie called, "I'm going to pick Calypso up from the bus station, do you want to come with?"

"No thanks!" Leo answered. He needed a couple more minutes to prepare. To prepare for what exactly, he wasn't sure. It's just Calypso. he thought.


"We're back everyone!" Emmie called, walking through the door with Calypso close behind her.

"Calypso!" everyone shouted, enveloping her in a hug. Calypso smiled and hugged them back, immediately noticing Leo was missing, but not bringing it up. Leo was upstairs, giving himself a quick pep talk in the mirror before going to greet Calypso.

"You can do this McShizzle. Just remember, all da ladies luv Leo." He winked at his reflection.

"You still call yourself Mcshizzle?" Calypso asked from the doorway, startling him.

"Gah!" Leo exclaimed, jumping a bit and turning toward her. "Oh, Calypso! Uh...hi." He waved awkwardly, smiling the same way.

"Hi." she responded, waving back.

They stood there in silence for a couple seconds. Or it could have been hours, Leo couldn't really tell. (Is this line kind of bothering me? Yes. But am I going to leave it here? Also yes.)

"So..." he said, "how was camp?"

"It was good." she responded. "I met a lot of new people. I also sprained my ankle, but it's better now." She wrung her hands nervously. Why am I so nervous? she thought. It's just Leo.


"I should, probably go and, unpack." She gestured behind her, beginning to step back.

"Yeah! Uh, yeah, that's, that's probably a good idea."

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