Caleo As Parents

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"Leo, in the immortal words of Taylor Swift, you need to calm down." Percy said.

"Sorry man, it's just, does anybody in there even know what they're doing?" Leo replied, pacing.

In there, was a side room of the infirmary of Camp Half-Blood, and anybody was the most experienced and mature medics. Will Solace, Kayla Knowles, Austin Lake, and Kennedy Brand. They were helping Calypso Valdez give birth to her and Leo's first child, so naturally, Leo was nervous. Leo would've liked to be in there with Calypso, but he'd been kicked out after accidentally setting a towel(or three) on fire. They had to go to Camp instead of a hospital, because one look at Calypso's blood would have the doctors fainting. She was formally a goddess/nymph after all. Leo didn't even know if he was going to be the father of a baby boy or a baby girl. The camp didn't have ultrasound equipment.

"I'm sure Calypso and your baby will be fine." Nico said, coming around the corner holding a box of latex gloves, towels, and a plastic bottle of something.

"How's it going? Is Calypso okay? Is the baby okay? Why is it taking so long? When can I see them?" Leo bombarded him with questions as he approached.

Nico elbowed his way past Leo to the door, behind which could be heard screams of pain, lots of chatter, and beeping.

"Leo, stop worrying. It's all going to be okay, Will and the others have it under control." With that Nico slipped through the door, too fast for Leo to get a good look.

*****3 hours later*****

Will Solace opened the door, immediately being ambushed by the Hispanic elf waiting outside it.

"Is everything okay? Why did that take so long? How is-"

Will cut him off. "Everyone's fine Leo. But, I think you should go meet your daughter."

Leo was shocked. Daughter. He was going to be the dad of a baby girl. A baby girl who would grow into a woman.

"Leo, come meet her." Calypso's voice said, drifting through the doorway. Leo faintly registered his feet moving him to sit on the chair beside Calypso's bed. He snapped out of his trance when he heard a sound. He looked over. She had her mothers face shape and a mix of her parents skin colors. She also had an adorable little freckle on the end of her nose, and more faint ones scattered across her face. She smiled at him, making the sound again.

Leo smiled back. "Cal..."

"I know." She said, not needing him to finish, as they were both thinking it.

"She's amazing." He finished anyway.

Calypso looked at Leo. "Do you want to hold her?" Leo shook his head immediately.

"No no no no. I don't think that's a good idea. What if I drop her, or what if she doesn't like me and starts crying? What if-" he cut himself off as Calypso put the baby in his arms.

He sat there for a moment, looking into the baby's eyes. Eyes that looked just like his own.

"What are we gonna call her?" He asked, realizing she needed a name.

"Well," Calypso said, "I was thinking we could call her Esperanza."

Leo looked over. Calypso had said his mom's name. "Esperanza?"

"Yeah. I thought since it was your mom's name..."

Leo looked back at his daughter. "Hello Esperanza. How are you?"

"Babaa." She said, grabbing his nose.

"Good? Yeah, I would assume it's a good day, you were born today."

Esperanza started crying suddenly. Leo blanched.

"What did I do? What happened? Does she not like me?"

"Leo, she loves you, she's just hungry. Give her to me." Leo set Esperanza back in her mothers arms, standing to talk to Will.

"Will," he said as he approached him. "Is it normal to be this nervous? Because I've known for months that this was going to happen, and me and Cal prepared, but I still feel like I'm going to do it wrong."

"To be honest, I felt the same when we brought Bianca home for the first time. I felt like I was going to do something wrong and then she and Nico would hate me for the rest of my life. It's normal, I promise. You're now co-responsible for a living human being, that's scary, I get it. But you're gonna be the best dad. Especially since we both know you're gonna spoil that kid rotten." He chuckled. "The point is, you, Calypso, and Esperanza are going to be fine." He turned back to his clipboard, writing some numbers down.

"You're right." Leo said mainly to himself. "I got this."

"Yeah you do." Will said absently, fidgeting with his pen.

Leo strode back over to his family, Calypso Valdez and Esperanza Juliet Valdez. His family. That sounds right. He thought.

I could have made this longer, but to be honest I just didn't feel like it. (Sorry if that's rude, not trying to be.)

You are more than welcome to leave a request for something you'd like to see!

Also, Will headcannon: He's a Swiftie and one time he got Nico a black shirt that says "Shade never made anybody less gay. -Taylor Swift." with rainbow colored words.

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