|3| New friend?

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Xavi walked in.
Oh shit. I tried to get up to hide because he might kill me. I mean he JUST tried to.

"Wait!" Xavi yelled. I turned in fear,
"Xavi, please don't kill-" I started,
"I'm not gonna kill you, Aliyah" he cut me off.

"I noticed you didn't eat, eat please"
He said while he brought out a tray of food.
It had scrambled eggs with sausage and an iced matcha.

"Thank you but I'm not-" I started but soon got cut off again. "Too bad 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐚, eat"

Hermosa?!?. Wow.
"Wait, how do I know you're not trying to poison me?" I sarcastically asked him.
"Aliyah, your too beautiful to kill, come on now." He laughed and layed back on my bed. Aw. He's charming.

We started talking about ourselves and I soon found out that he is Milo's best friend. Wow.

While we were talking I was running my fingers through his fluffy blonde hair.


We spent the whole day in the living room talking since this house doesn't have one fucking tv.

I was laying on his chest while he had his arms wrapped around me. I know it's wrong but he's nice.

Honestly, he has just been flirting with me the whole day, but I don't mind.

"Aliyah." Xavi started. "Mhm?" I hummed back,
"Wanna go outside? You've been stuck in here all day."... "I would love to" I smiled at him.

He stood up, grabbed my hand and took me outside. We were walking and I was admiring the outside. The garden and architecture was absolutely fucking perfect.

I guess he could tell I loved it. "You must love it" he said while grabbing me by the waist. Oh shit. Milo can walk in on us.

It was midnight by this point and I knew he was on his way home or probably already was.

"You know, your FUCKING beautiful." He leaned in.

Suddenly, someone behind us cleared their throat. OH MY FUCKING LORD.

He immediately let go and I turned around to see no other than Milo with his jaw clenched and hands in his pockets. I looked away and slowly backed away until I was partially behind Xavi.

"So? What the hell are you guys doing outside at midnight?,"a long silence wave came in.

"Aliyah." He called out. I came out from standing behind Xavi and nodded in response. "Go home Xavi" Milo demanded.

Xavi nodded and walked away. Damn it. He's the only person who could save me.

Milo grabbed my arm and dragged me to the room.

When we got to our room, he let go and went to go shower.

Oh my. I'm gonna get killed, I wasn't even supposed to leave the room.

As I'm sitting on the bed scared to death about Milo, I can't help but think; Think about how he looked jealous. No, what the fuck am I saying?

Milo? THE Milo DeAnza jealous? No he was just mad. Mad because I wasn't in the room. Yup. That's what it is.


Yes Aliyah, stop being stupid and stop overthinking. Oh wait. What is there to overthink about. lmao.


I was in the shower, I just needed it. I don't care if I showered already, if I need it, I NEED it.

I let the steaming hot water hit my back and felt my back muscles relax at it.

For some stupid fucking reason I couldn't stand Aliyah so close to Xavi. I refer Xavi as my brother but I never told him. That's why.

No one can have her. No one.

I know this marriage was a deal but still.

If I'm being honest, I don't hate Aliyah. If anything I don't want her to hate me but it's hard because she looks like she doesn't have a spark in her but she does at the same time. Her eyes are always bloodshot red and I mean ALWAYS but ALWAYS beautiful.

She's just perfect. Perfect to the point where I can't describe her.

The wedding is in 2 fucking days and I haven't told her. I knowwwwwww she'll be pissed.

Sorry for this short chapter...I have been dealing with my mental health due to my sport and school and lack of motivation...
-jasline ❤︎︎

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