-Chapter Eleven ♡ Boys Day Out + Rainbow ♡-

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Week 2: Day 11 || Boys day out + Rainbow

Rainbow Dash's Pov


Me and Soarin went to Olive Garden last night for dinner, if you're wondering. Ironically, since the last time we were there, he left me there. He paid for dinner, I just ordered a salad, and Soarin got the whole menu...

Now, I'm getting ready to:

Do nothing!

It's great, haha... Note the sarcasm. Well, I'm actually in my haven, my bed. Writing in my journal, about shit.

Not literally.


Anyway, I'm probably just going to bother my friends and chill today, well try to at least. Cause of my FUCKING ROOMMATE.


He's so fucking annoying also.

Annoyingly hot.

Yeah, sure brain... Looks aren't everything, okay?

You seriously can't be talking.


"OH MY FUCK! WHAT?!" I put down the pen that I was using to write and glared at Soarin. "Heh, sorry. What are you writing now?" He asked casually, "None of your fucking business, Skies." I slammed my journal shut. "Okay, okay, damn." He chuckled, Soarin was standing at the side of my bed by my left nightstand.


"So what do you want from me now?"


"You always either want to annoy the living daylights out of me, bother me, fucking flirt with me, disgusting," I gagged, "Or freaking assault or bully me. So what's it gonna be today, Skies? Hm?" I asked, "Flirt? Bleh, that is disgusting. Who in the name of God, would want to flirt with you?" He scoffed, "I-I uh! What?! Plenty of boys would die to even talk to me, so fuck off." I glared, "I WAS going to invite you to hang out with me and my friends since Switch requested me to do so... But..." he mumbled, "Hang... Out...?" I blinked in amusement, "Yes, hang out. Never done it before?" He sarcastically replied, "Here we go again." I grumbled, "So you're not going? Okay, bye–"

"Okay, okay, fine. I'm coming. But not because you told me to!"

"So you wanna go?" He smirked, "What! Ugh! No." I retorted, "Okay, whatever, just hurry up." He grabbed his dorm keys and started to slip on his shoes. "Oh shit, where are you going now? Let me change!" I sprinted off into the bathroom.

I found a pair of Lululemon leggings and my magenta sweater, I quickly changed using my super speed and tied my hair up in a ponytail. I sprinted out and slammed the bathroom door shut. "I'm... Back!" I panted, "Damn, that was fast. Are you Lightning McQueen or something?" Soarin chuckled, "Similar, but no." I smiled.


I regret coming.

I hate my life.




You may be asking...

Don't you love basketball, Rainbow?

Yeah I do, but Soarin fucking Skies won't stop laughing his stupid ass off about my fucking height.

"Hey Dash, I bet you wouldn't be able to reach even one of these baskets."

Even though I beat his ass at that basketball game we played the other day, he still teases me. Constantly. Every fucking second.

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