|•~✧ .Prologue. ✧~•|

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|•~✧ .Prologue. ✧~•|

"Gorgeous" By: Taylor Swift


"Why'd you say that?"

"You should think about the consequence, of your magnetic field being a little too strong..."

"Say what?"

"Y'know... That we're... Friends..."



"W-Well! If you don't think that

we're friends... Then what are we?!"

"And I'm so furious, at you for making me feel this way..."


"Fine... If that's what you think,

I actually think that's a bit sad."

"You make me so happy, it turns back to sad. There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have."


"Less talking, more drinking!"

"You're so gorgeous..."



Rainbow Dash glanced over to Soarin who was reading a book in their dorm room...


"Lately... I've been having these...

How do I describe it?

Weird... Strange...


"You should take it as a compliment, that I'm talking to everyone here but you..."

"Go on..."

Dash sighed and continued...

"It's just that... I feel so weird

and sappy sometimes!"

"You're not talking about us...

Are you?"

A light blush rose to Rainbow's cheeks, she's been feeling different around Soarin lately... Something that she hasn't felt in years...

"But what can I say? You're gorgeous..."


"C'mere you dork."

Soarin playfully rolled his eyes and hugged Rainbow. She laid her head on his shoulder, with his placing his head on top of hers.

"You are such a crybaby, you know that?"

Dash glared at him while smiling, she lightly slapped his shoulder, lifting her head off it.

"Shut up, Clipper."

"You're so cool, it makes me hate you so much..."

"Soo, tell me about your feelings."

"Just suck it up already Dash..." she thought, she blushed a deep scarlet red.


His bright green eyes stared into her pretty magenta eyes...

"Ocean blue eyes, lookin' in mine...

I feel like I might... Sink and drown and die..."

"I-I love y-you."

Her face turned bright red, Soarin blushed while wearing a face of pure shock.

"I love you too, Dashie."

His face inched near hers, as she blushed.

"You're gorgeous..."


Soarin chuckled at the girl, and tapped her nose.

"I said I love you too,

Now stop being so cute."

"Y-you– Mhphm!"

Soarin wrapped his arms around her waist and cut Dash off with a passionate kiss, she gasped in pure shock, but pushed her head to his a little, and kissed him back.


Soarin Felix Skies, your typical college student. Athletic, handsome, good grades, flirtatious, annoying at times, but total sweetheart. He lives in Canterlot, a bustling busy city full of things to do. This 20-year-old, is currently going through his junior year of college at Canterlot Sky University... Girls would literally die for him, he's quite a popular boy.

Rainbownessa Skyler Dashery, an egotistical confident girl. She's pretty, smart, loyal, very very competitive, loves sports and competitions, can be kinda rude sometimes if I'm being honest... But behind her tough figure, she's just as sensitive as most girls. Sometimes she just needs to let it all out and cry a little, don't we all? She just moved to a new country. Coming from Norway, she's not so used to the city life as most people know it. She's entering her junior year of college at Canterlot Sky University, or CSU. She was quite the sight at her old school, not may girls have rainbow hair. Some confident boys would take a chance on this beautiful cocky girl... But... They would most likely end up with bruises and a black eye in the end...


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A/N: Hi! Welcome to a new Soarindash adventure!!! Anyways, I bet yall are so excited, and ready to see what's gonna happen! Can't wait too! Make sure to check out my profile for updates, and for more Soarindash stories! For now, Peace out! 🤩😋

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