-Chapter One ♡ Welcome To Canterlot ♡-

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Week 1: Day 1 || Welcome to Canterlot

Rainbow Dash's Pov


Welcome to Canterlot... I guess...

I rolled my luggage out of the airport. Tall skyscrapers, fountains, restaurants...

*Stomach growl*

Hm, I'm pretty hungry... I wonder if they have– "Oof!" I bumped into something, or rather... Someone... I looked up,

"I'm so..."



I blushed of embarrassment and nervously laughed, the boy glanced down at me, tall, green eyes, navy blue hair... He scoffed and walked away, okay... Oh right, food. I looked around and saw a Starbucks a few feet away from me. Cool... I grabbed my luggage and walked over to the coffee shop.

*Shop bell rings*

"Hello! How can I help you today?" A girl asked me, I gave her a small smile, "Hi, can I get..." I trailer off, I glanced up to the menu, "A chocolate croissant, and a... Venti Vanilla Caramel Latte, please?" I asked, "Sure." I slid my card into the reader, "And can I get a name for your drink?" she asked,

"Rainbow Dash."

"Okay, your order should be out shortly." I rolled my luggage with me to the pick up counter.

"Order for... Rainbow Dash?"

I walked over and took my croissant and coffee. "Thanks." I smiled, I grabbed my luggage again and brought it to a table, I placed down my food and sat down. This is nice...


I finally finished my food, and decided to head to the reason why I'm even here.

Canterlot Sky University

Or CSU, my new college, I stood up and walked out of Starbucks. I looked around the busy airport, a taxi... I need a ride! I walked closer to the airport-pick-up area and ran up to the nearest empty taxi, with my sky blue luggage rolling behind me. "Uhm, excuse me!" I ran up to the car, the driver rolled down the car window, "Could you give me a ride?" I asked, catching my breath. "Sure, where to?" The taxi driver asked me. "Canterlot Sky University, please." I responded, "Sure thing." He said, I smiled, and went to the back of the car and put my luggage in the truck. I hopped into the back seat of the car, and he started to drive.


After a few silent minutes of driving I saw the university, huge buildings! I saw a few students walking around and I even caught a glimpse of a cafe! This is a huge school! "Here we are!" He said, "Thanks." I handed him some cash, exited the car, and opened the trunk to get my luggage. Man, this is heavy! I put it down and walked to the sidewalk. Wow... I looked around and spotted a map, perfect... Hmm... Dorms... Dorms... Ah, here. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the map. I looked on my phone and saw that the dormitories should be... This way... I walked a few feet and made it to the main building, where the front desk was. I entered and saw beautiful architecture, and even a chandelier! "Uhm, hi..." I walked up to the lady at the front desk, "Hello! Here to check in?" She asked, I nodded my head.

"Okay, what year?"


"And name?"

"Rainbownessa Skyler Dashery."

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