-Chapter Four ♡ Dorm Deported ♡-

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Week 1: Day 4 || Dorm Deported

Soarin's Pov


I groaned as I woke up from my nap. My eyes slowly opened, and I stared at the ceiling. I'm... Thirsty... Yeah... "Hey, uh, Sky? Could you get me some water?" I called out to my roommate.


No reply?

Huh, that's weird. "Skylerrrrrr!" I called; I rolled my eyes annoyed. Is she ignoring me now, or what? I sat up, and looked at her side– What the heck? Where's all her stuff?! Huh?! What?! Where is she?! I immediately sprang up from my bed. And looked around for her, not in the bathroom, not in the kitchen... Where the fuck is she then?! I need my water!

Besides that. Is she... Gone? I can't decide if this is a good or bad thing... It's bad cause she could've been kidnapped, but good because I actually wanted to assault her cause she's so fucking annoying! And honestly, she can get kidnapped for all I care.

She is hot though I have to admit.

I love to get her mad, she looks so cute! Anyways, now that she's not here...

*Literally 5 seconds later...*

"Woo hoo!" I jumped up and down, on what used to be her bed. "Party man!" I yelled; I hated sharing a room anyways. I suddenly stopped short. Wait a second... Why did she leave? I'll have to continue my girl-free party later. I have to see what's up with her. I can call–

You don't have that girl's number, stupid.

Oh God, right... Hey, I'm not stupid!

If you're stupid I'm stupid, we're the same guy.

Yeah! Exactly! Wait what–

Anyways, maybe I can, ask the front desk?

I need to find her so I can annoy her again. Teehee...


Rainbow Dash's Pov

"Thanks." I smiled at Switch, who just handed me my chocolate croissant. It's currently 9:44 here, and me and Switch are at the campus's cafe. He took the seat directly in front of me and we started to eat our breakfast. Doesn't Switch know that asshole pervert? I should ask... "Sooo, how'd you meet Soarin." I asked and stirred my milkshake. "Hm? Oh, me and Soar go wayyy back." He smiled, "He's been my best friend since well... Ever! I've known him since we were both, about... 5, I think? Yeah, around there." He continued, "Wow, how do you live with him?! I could barely last two days!" I gasped, "Well, actually. I'm the more annoying one." He smirked at me, "Soarin is usually really sweet and nice. I don't know why he's acting so different around you though." He shrugged, "Him? Sweet in nice?! I feel like I was being killed by the devil himself!" I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Soarin was a pretty shy kid. But, when we were teens, boyyy did he change. Well, first obviously, the glow up was CRAZY. Like I couldn't even recognize the dude. And he started to actually become more fun! And do daredevil things with me!" He smiled, "Really?" He asked, "Yep, but then when we were 16, his– Oh, wait I can't say that." Switch suddenly frowned, "What? Why?" I cocked my head in confusion. "Uhm, it's nothing..." he mumbled, "Anyways, yeah. That's Soarin Skies for you." He chuckled nervously, you sussy baka... What are you two boys hiding?! Wait, Soarin's hiding a laptop... "Does you little secret have anything to do with Soarin's laptop?" I asked and watched his face intently. Switch choked on his saliva, ew. "H-how did y-you— I mean? Whatttt? Are you talking about?!" He laughed nervously. Oh, I got you now, Switch. If that's even your real name... Play it cool, Dash. Play it cool... "Nevermind, Soarin is just always in his laptop in our dorm." I shrugged as if it wasn't important. He chuckled awkwardly and sighed... Hmmm... Switch.

𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora