-Chapter Three ♡ Fighting & Coffee ♡-

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Week 1: Day 3 || Fighting & Coffee

Rainbow Dash's Pov


"No, It's mine!" I shouted at the navy haired boy. "Sky, you know you can't have it all to yourself, right?!" He tugged onto the TV remote.

Yep, we're fighting over a remote.

At 8 in the morning. Not my favorite thing to do. Especially when I'm moody.

"Stop. Calling. Me. SKYLER!" I tugged harder, "Okay!" He smirked and let go of the remote. But sincw I was grabbing it with such a great force of power, I ended up falling backwards onto the floor. "Ow..." I rubbed my head in pain, Soarin looked at me with guilt for a split second but quickly reverted back to his default smirk. "Eh, not my fault you were pulling so hard." He shrugged, I quickly stood up and glared at him angrily. "YOU WANNA FRICKIN GO?!" I yelled at him in a fighting stance. "Dashie, don't start a fight you won't win." He rolled his eyes, my right eye twitched THRICE! "That's it! You son of a–" I launched a punch at him but he quickly blocked it, picked me up and threw me onto his bed. "Ah! Hey!" I glared, "I told you, don't start a fight you can't win." He chuckled, I growled at the tall boy. Speaking of tall, it really doesn't help that I'm short at heck and he's so frickin, freakishly tall. "Whatever, you cheated." I pouted, "Pff, really? And you can pout allllll day if you want to. I wouldn't mind, you look so adorable when you're angry, Rain." He smirked, I felt a warm blush make it's way to my cheeks. What is that supposed to mean!? "I'm not adorable, so shut up!" I growled, he chuckled lightly. He laid down next to me in his bed. I immediately sat up and went to go to my bed. "Hey, where you going?" He smirked, "Uh, to my bed." I replied flatly, "Why? When you can stay in mine with me anyways?" He sat up and put and arm around me. "Nuh uh, not happening! My bed is wayyy way way wayyy more comfy than your stupid bed anyway." I walked to my bed, "And you were just saying the other day about how you wanted my beautiful couch?" He smirked at me. "Argh! You– Just stop it!" I stomped my foot angrily.


It's currently now afternoon, and me and Soarin have been bickering all day. I decided for myself that I was going to Starbucks to get a latte. But how suspicious it is that Skies also wanted to go, definitely not to annoy me or anything like that... So here we are now in the college oarking garage, that I've never been to. Obviously because I don't have a car. "Com'on." He grabbed my hand and dragged me to where I'm guessing he parked his vehicle.

It's a Corvette. A freaking Corvette.

My eyes widened at the expensive sports car. He swung and arm around me, "Like it, Rain?" He smiled,

"W-What?! How can you afford–"

"I'm a little rich, you could say." He shrugged, "A LITTLE?! Your car is probably worth my whole entire house!" I exclaimed. I'm not poor, obviously if I can go to another country for college, I live in a mansion or whatever but I'm not, red carpet–celebrity rich! I never really expected Soarin to have that kinda of money, and yeah I've seen the things in his dorm– I mean our dorm. So I thought he had some money, yeah. But not that much money! "Com'on, let's go." He dragged me into his car.

That fancy leather seats, the navy blue outlines, and soft carpets! And the techy dashboard! Wow! Rich is and understatement at this rate! He turned his keys and the car started very very loudly. I bet it could wake the whole neighborhood! But anyways, enough about Soarin and his car. I'm still pretty ticked off about earlier! Just as I had enough time to seat belt, he hit the accelerator with full speed. "Woah! Soarin slow down! I refuse to die with you!" I yelled as I grasped into my chair for dear life. He expertly weaved us through the parking garage and made it out to the main entrance hitting the gas once more. "Relax, pretty face. You're not gonna die." He rolled his eyes, "If you don't slow down we might!" I glared at the boy who was focused on the road.

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