16. Rescuers

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Hey readers, new chapter...

Long awaited, I'm sure, 😉 sorry for not updating sooner!! I've been caught up in revision (I officially hate Spanish speaking exams) but updates should be more frequent ;)

Enjoy!!! ❤️


I've never liked the Spring Court.

The memory of when I rescued Feyre from this place flickers in my mind, how thin she looked; how that bastard had locked her away.

Never again.

And now it was a different brother; a different time; a different person. But the same fucking court.

"What happens if we just kill Tamlin? He doesn't have an heir, so..." I start

"Why does it matter? Just kill him anyway," Nesta shrugs.

"There is an heir, in a different world. Two, actually." Amren huffed. "But the magic wouldn't stretch so far, and as a result it'll pick someone else, another fae just as powerful."

"Shh." Azriel growls suddenly , and he slowly couches down behind a ruined statue.

We all follow suit, each crouching behind a crumpled statue which seem to surround themselves in an arc.

And that's when I see it, four paws and elongated horns prowling towards us.


"Shit." Azriel mutters, but Amren shakes her head. "Can't you winnow us out with your shadows?"

He shook his head, "He might sense me."

But it was too late.

The beast was upon us, and it look him 5 attempts to speak before he spat out, "Just kill him, get the girl and be gone. If you don't leave before dusk, I'll kill you all." And with that, he prowled away.

All of us stiffened with shock.

Amren broke the spell first; she scoffed before muttering, "Honestly. I forgot what they were like."

"Who? Half-savage High Lords?" Nesta scoffs.

"Spoilt, bitter brats. Now, take us to the Pit." She turns away from Nesta and to all of us. "There is no element of  surprise here. You get in, you fight. Be expected to be greeted by steel and not a bow."

"As if," I mutter and I draw my swords. Nesta does the same, and a brief shadow passes Azriel before he clears his throat.

"Me and Nesta will get Meira. Amren, Mor, if you can distract-"

"No." Amren shakes her head. "You get Meira. The rest of us will cover you and attack Tylen. There's a rich bloodbath of history between him, me and the Morrigan."

She turns to me, and I nod my head. I think of the first time I fought Tylen, a battle which turned from training to real battle all a little too soon.

"Alright." I nod. It would be nice to throw some of my own punches.

"Ready?" Azriel asks

"Yes." We all reply in unison.

And we disappear into a cove of darkness.



I sense them just as they fall through the ceiling.

Then it's a flurry of shadows and a song of steel and a cry of sword against sword as I watch Mori backed into a corner, a slight tremble of fear in her gaze turns to stoic.

"You sick son of a bitch," She screams at him, his sword dangerously near her throat. I try and scream at her to tell her to get out while she can, but

Can't .

But then a face comes into view. Deep chestnut eyes that seem to stare too deeply into my soul. I hate the look in his face, but only a shadow of it refects before it passes.

"Meira," He breathes, like my name is the thing he's been missing all this time. "Can you move?"

I nod, because all I can do is nod. But then I remember what Tylen did to me, the broken ones and the scars and I remember what  someone ancient taught me long ago.

The mind connection.

How someone could magically change them - their aura - too...

Cognitive thinking.

Sever the connection.

He helps me sit up, gathering my chains in his arms because he can't remove them. Cautiously, carefully, as if I'm made of glass and he might break me.

It takes a certain kind of magic to break something Cauldron-Made.

But before he could lift me and pick me up, I slam my head on the table.

I feel something break, I feel his sudden shock, but I keep on doing it again and again and again before all I see is darkness.

"To sever...him." I tell the shadow, and once again as I feel the wall in my mind shatter, shadows flow across my skin, whispering and singing into my mind.

"You bitch!" Tylen screams out from somewhere, I don't know where. I hear grunting and more blade-singing before all I hear is piercing silence.

I let out a sigh, and lean back into someone's chest. The biting of the iron chains doesn't affect me anymore, and I can feel my magic rise up and overtake the faebane.

Like it always does.

Scarred hands brush my forehead and cheeks and I lean into them, that comforting scent enveloping me as I feel myself drift away.


Unedited, pls let me know if you see any mistakes!! Thx

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