15. The Spring Court

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"The Spring Court?" Nesta asks, voice full of something I can't quite place.

"Yes. This is where Tamlin lived. Or still lives. Who knows?" Mor muttered, gesturing towards the ruin of the once- mighty manor. "I vote we accidentally burn it down."

"Seconded." Nesta mutters as she turns around, he gaze snags on the ruined gardens, overgrown thorn bushes. The manor infested with vines, almost seeming to suffocate the bricks.

"Meira's somewhere in there. We have to find her fast. A quick extraction." I say, before unsheathing my daggers and began to hack away at the front door.

Amren remains quiet, not bothering to say anything before she suddenly remarks, "You're wasting time."

"Do you have a better idea?" Nesta replied back.

"Well yes. Tylen wouldn't have put her in the house, most likely The Pit."

"What's The Pit?" Nesta asks, a slight worry to her voice.

"It's a circular room - no windows, no doors. They used it in the first war to torture any of the spies they found in their court. Tamlin wouldn't have used it, however. I doubt he even knows it's there." Amren answers, her gaze firmly set on the Manor.

I whip my head towards her. "How the hell do you know that?"

"You're not the only spy, Shadowsinger." She smirked, but it was short lived. "It's not the first time Meiranna's been in it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Never assume a person of peace is unskilled at war," Amren skeptically answered.

"What are you trying to say?" Nesta's face filled with confusion. "That she was-"

"Well trained in combat? In the skills of war? Yes." After a beat of silence, Amren added, "I trained her myself."



Someone's coming.

I can see it.

And I'm scared for their lives.

The Pit is no place for a extraction. There are no walls. Just stone lining a circle with enough weapons on the wall to kit a small army. There's a reason they call it the pit.

There's only one way out.

From the ceiling, the 'Pit'.

Amren. Mori. Nesta. Azriel.

I wish they hadn't come.

Because deep down, I know I'm dangerous. I know that. I know I should have died a long time ago, and that because I didn't, people payed the price.  I should be dead, I want to be dead, but my curse and my gift make that I can't.

I should know. I've tried.

Sirius payed the price.

"They're coming," A masculine voice filled with untamed glee makes my flinch.

"They are coming, little healer. They are coming for you."

Tylen won't survive Amren. Unless she's turned...

I watch his shadow as he paces, a excited bounce in his step.

"Maybe I'll make their deaths quick. Maybe I'll draw them out a few centuries. Maybe I'll just chain them up next to you." He spoke aloud, his psychopathic thoughts radiating throughout the room.

Please just make it quick. Don't let them suffer. They're innocent.

"They may be innocent to you, Meira, but not to me."

It didn't surprise me, he could read my thoughts. It was something he could do rarely before, but he'd experimented on me; using some sort of chemical to change the chemical reactions in my brain so they were in a sort of sync with his.

In short, he knew all of my thoughts.

And only half of my secrets.

"Yes, Meiranna. But I do know who your father is. My condolences, I heard he past recently."

"He passed in the glory of battle," I say hoarsely. Got, my throat must be sore from screaming. "Just the way he wanted to."

I tried to ignore the first part of the sentence  he just said. Try as I might, my family was a mystery. Apart from a Shadowsinger called Sirius.

But deep down, I knew my father was dead. If he could even be called that.

Just make it quick, I beg into the darkness. Just make it quick.


Hey everyone!

Sorry for such a short chapter, but the next one will be a lot longer, I promise 😉

Also, I recently released a new fanfic...

For those who read Fourth Wing & Iron Flame, this one's for you!

Of Talons And Blood

For centuries, the Empyrean have told a lie

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For centuries, the Empyrean have told a lie.

For years, the Empyrean have kept a secret.

Two girls, raised in secret. With more secrets than truth, they have the power to either raise the Revolution or topple it...


If you have the chance, please check it out!

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