10. Just Jump

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Hey Everyone!
Thx for all of your support so far, it really means a lot 🥰


I awake back in my room, the soft light shinning through the curtains. Nobody occupies the armchair, and it's been repositioned next to the fireplace.

I have to get out of here.

My memory is foggy, hazy, and mentally I feel exhausted.

And I don't know why.

"Meira?" Mori's voice calls from behind the door, and I instantly curse. I remain silent, evening out my breaths so it would sound as if I was sleeping.

It seemed to work, as I heard her retreating footsteps echo down the hall.

As quietly as possible, I slide out from under the covers and search for something that isn't a nightdress. Luckily, someone must have thought of that because there's a dress hanging up next to a dressing screen.

I try to make my footsteps as quiet as possible. I slip the simple white dress on, not much better than my nightdress but I just slip the pale blue cloak on over the top that I found hanging by the mirror.

But when I look in the floor length mirror, my heart stops.

My face...

Once smooth and plain, a scar now runs through my eyebrow and another, looking more like a burn mark runs on the edge of my right eye. My eyes are still that virbrant blue, but my features are slightly more defined, no longer soft and childish.

I look older, wiser, like I've witnessed a hundred lives but only lived one. Instead of almost white, my hair has regained some colour, now still a pale blonde but with chestnut streaks, too. But one strand still remains bone white...

But what stands out starkly against my pale face are the shadows.

"Meira?" A knock on the door makes me jump, and I frantically look for an exit that's not the door. My eyes immediately go towards the windows, where a small balcony juts out around the side of the house.

"Meira? Are you awake?" His voice, the lowness...

It's Azriel.

"Look, I'm..." He swallows, and with a stealth I didn't know I had I sneak towards the windows, the latch looking easy enough to undo....

"I'm sorry I thought you were a threat. But the way the intelligence described you..." He cleared his throat. "We've had...other fae like you come and leave a trail of destruction in their wake...and I just couldn't let that be you."

"I'm sorry we had to drug you, too."

Wait, they drugged me? Faebane...no wonder I didn't notice. I've been taking that stuff for years, but never had to result in such a strong dose as they gave me...wait...

"You chained me up." I whisper aloud, and that's when Azriel hears me.

"Meira? You're awake?"

The last person who chained me up... I HAVE TO GET OUT.

I don't wait for him to unlock the door, I yank on the window latch, look down, but I don't hesitate.

'Just jump little healer.'

That voice... a voice that's been dormant for centuries, but that little voice of hope I'm never going to get it go ever again. A little shadow dances into my vision, and my eyes fill with tears.

'I promise I won't lock you out or try and force you out ever again.' I say with a tear down my cheek. No matter how they came to be, the one of the things that was supposed to be a curse and weapon became my greatest friend.

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