14. Confrontation

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Something isn't right.

Something doesn't feel right.

A week has passed since Meira's disappearance, and no matter what I think, something is making me refuse to believe she wanted to. Nobody just disappears without any reason, and I need to find out why.

And after that dream...

I need to find her. To rescue her.

I can feel the shadows sniggering in my ears, whispering incoherent words. And there's definitely something going on with Elain. She's been acting smug ever since she announced her prophecy, and a gut instinct is telling me there's something she's not telling us.

Which is why I'm here, outside her door, knocking. Her sweet voice calls, "come in."

I wander in, and to my shock she's in nothing but her nightdress and her dressing gown. I cough, and try to ignore the fact. To get her to confess what I think she's done, I'll have to act in a way I know I'm not going to like.

But something, something inside me urges to do it quickly.

"How are you feeling? It must be a shock to learn what you saw," I say, trying to keep my voice even but convinced enough.

"Oh yes," She says easily, and she bats her eyelashes at me.

"And I can't keep myself from thinking all of the different meanings it could symbolise. The Cursed Shadow? The Light and The Darkness shall align? So many different meanings."

"Yes," She smiles, and goes towards her desk to shuffle some papers, some letters of sorts.

"But what really is bothering me is the healer part. I don't suppose you have any ideas, do you?"

I watch as she seems to smile to herself, and she answers easily enough, "Well, what about Meira? That healer you rescued. It could have been her," She suggests.

"Yes, but that part seemed to be more...un-cryptic than the other parts." I watch as her shoulders suddenly tensed, but only suddenly.

"What did you think of Meira?" I ask unexpectedly.

"She seemed...dangerous. Maybe we should all be glad she's gone. We're all safer then." She argued.

"Safer from what?"

"From her, of course."

"But how do you know she's even a danger to begin with?"

"I saw her do...things."

"But you never spoke to her." I raise my eyebrow, and seek out the lie before she's even spoken.

"That's not true." She began, jumping to the explanation I knew was a lie - to try and convince me she's a danger and shouldn't be found, or maybe hunted down like some fucking animal.

I snap, and almost yell at her,

"You've never spoken to her before, so don't lie to me. As far as the shadows are aware, you've never even seen her. Why did you make up the last part of the prophecy? WHY?" I slam my fist on the table, and she flinches. I watch as the colour drains from her face.

I know there's a reason Lucien of all fae is her mate. I know why he was cursed with a fox mask.

I just hoped to never be proven right.

"I was jealous, okay?" She snapped at me. "What else? Someone said they knew her and that she was a danger to us, and all they wanted was where she would be. They said they would take her away, back to her home. Out of my way. So yes, I told him! I told him that she'd-"

It's then I realise we have an audience.

But I just never expected it to Mor and Amren.

"You stupid girl," Amren spits. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

"What was his name," Mor asks, her face suddenly extremely pale as I turn my gaze to her, hand shaking. "WHAT WAS HIS NAME?"

"Ty...Tylen," She shakes. Now Rhys and Feyre are at the door, hastily dressed as Rhys has his shirt in back to front and Feyre seems to only be wearing Rhys's sweater which comes down to her knees.

"You're lying." Mor says, inching closer to a cowering Elain. She shakes her head at her, suddenly pacing around Elain's bedroom. "You're lying."

"No she's not." And every gaze turns to me. "She's not lying." I turn to Mor. "Why should she be lying?"

"Because Tylen is dead." This comes from Rhys, arm around Feyre's waist as she looks up at him, her eyes swimming with questions. He looks as if he's told her he'll tell her later through the bond, and she nods.

Rhys stares at me. "Find her and get her out of wherever Tylen has her. She won't have long. Prepare yourself for any kind of state you might find her in. Go with him, Mor."

But when he turns towards her, Mor's shaking and backing away. "No. I...I can't."

"I'll go." Every face turns to Nesta, already in her leathers and strapped with weapons. She pushes past Rhys and Feyre and comes to stand next to me. She gives Elain a death glare and before Elain can open her mouth, Nesta only snaps, "I heard everything. Meira was my friend, the only person keeping me alive when I was a rock bottom. She helped me. And you're the reason she's gone. So I'd pick you next fucking words carefully."

"Is Cassian-"

"Right here". He grumbles, probably not liking being awakened. He slings an arm around Nesta and pulls her into a quick kiss before telling her, "Don't die and be quick. I'm going back to bed." And he shuffles out again, before the soft flap of wings can be heard from the open window.

"I'll come, too." Amren piped up, and everyone's shocked faces says it all.

"What? I'm bored. Everyone's nearly at peace now, so I'm going to make the most of any fights I can. And besides, it's Meira."

As if that explains anything at all.

Mor finally stops to shake, and with a determined expression, she says she'll come.

"Give me 5 minutes to to get my weapons...Az, try and find any clues to where she's been taken." And Mor disappears into the light of the hallway.

"You won't need to. I can show you where she'll be." Rhys steps forward, and I let my mental shields drop.

A memory of a circle room, not exit, no door nor window in sight. But the memory blurs and whoever it is winnows out to...

"Are you sure?" I exclaim.

"Yes. That is where Tylen will be. Just remember, Tylen isn't a normal High Fae. Good luck." Rhys nods, before taking Feyre's hand and leading her out of the room.

Mor and Amren return, fully armed to the teeth.

"Ready?" I ask them, and I pull them into the shadows, towards one of my least favourite places in the whole fucking universe.


Hey everyone!

So...sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been ill and it really sucks 😭 but here's chapter 14!!

And....9K reads!?!? This is beyond my wildest dreams, and a big thank you for your comments and votes it means so much to me ❤️

Take care everyone, and have a happy Easter if you celebrate 🐣 if not, then happy spring!! Or autumn, wherever season you're drifting into 🥰


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