Signing off

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My arms are wrapped around his neck, his body on top of mine. Our lips locked as my hand runs through his hair. He pulls away and kisses down my neck, his hands trailing down to my waist. His phone dings. He sighs and pulls away, reaching for his phone. "As much as I'd love to continue this, I've gotta meet Quinn." Ethan says. I groan, making him chuckle. "I know, I know. I'll make it up to you. Promise." "You better." "I will." Ethan kisses me one last time before hopping off the bed and leaving.

See, the kirsh family only ever got into this whole killing thing because of the loss of their brother. But man they had no idea it'd be this fun. "All those muscles didn't help much." Quinn smirks into the phone before throwing Gales boyfriend through the two way mirror. Gale jumps and runs to the other room, locking it behind her. Big mistake, you'd think she'd know this by now. She should've headed for the front door. But instead, she headed right for the room Ethan is in. God if she could only see the smirk under his mask. He pushes his knife deep into her back, twisting it around. She attempts to fight back but he grabs her and throws her against the wall, causing her to hit her head. She groans and reaches for the gun that fell out of the safe. "Ah, ah, ah." Ethan taunts, kicking the gun away. "You're not getting away, not this time gale." Ethan gets on top of Gale and raises his knife. "This is the part where gale weather's, finally signs off." He lowers his knife, luckily she manages to grab a heel and hits him hard in the head with it. "Ah, fuck! You little bitch!"  He stumbles up and runs after her, yanking her back to the ground. He slams her head against the floor and shoves the knife deep into her chest. Gale lets out a loud yell as he drags it closer to her heart, tearing apart her flesh. The knife teaches her heart and he takes out the knife, he places it just above her heart and pushes it in slowly. Painfully slowly. He wanted her to suffer, he wanted this to be fun. Her heart comes to a slow stop and her eyes slowly shut. Her body going limp.  Ethan grins and steps off off her body, wiping his knife.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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