Break up

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"They have a point." I say. "Seriously, you too? You seriously think I'm the killer?" Ethan slightly raises his voice. "I mean yeah, where were you when we were attacked?" "Econ! You know this! Ask anyone, there was like a hundred people there!" "You know what fine, I will." Everyone looks at me confused. "I have a friend in econ." I pick up my phone and dial their number and out it on speaker. "Hey y/n, what's up?" "I was just wondering if you seen my friend Ethan in econ yesterday?" " he the tall one with curly hair?" "Yeah." "Oh yeah, yeah he was here. Why? Everything okay?" "Yeah, yeah everything's fine I'll call you back later. Thanks." "Yeah, of course!" I hang up and put my phone back in my pocket. "See! It couldn't have been me!" "Alright, so your alibi checks out. But don't think this takes you off the suspect list, I've got my eye on you creep." Mindy says before walking down the hall to her dorm. The others go with her and me and Ethan stay in the hallway. "I seriously can't believe you sided with them, you're supposed to be my friend y/n! How are you just gonna side with them like that?" "I am your friend, but I've known them longer and they made some pretty good points." Ethan scoffs. The two of us continue to argue until Sam,Tara and Chad all come out of Mindy's dorm and stop us. "Oh okay, I see. So basically I was just your one night stand? You know what, go fuck yourself Ethan!" "A one night stand that clearly wasn't worth it." "Sam!" "I'm coming, I'm coming." Sam says. I storm into their dorm with the others following behind me. "That's my dorm too!" "Fuck off!" Chad yells. "Ugh! He's unbelievable! Can you believe this?! I mean I wasn't trying to hurt his feelings I was just-"


I smirk and head to the lair. Our plan was working out perfectly. A few hours later Y/n arrives and I immediately run over to her. I push her up against the wall and kiss her deeply. She giggles. "What was that for?" She asks. "You're hot when you're mad." She laughs. "So, did it work?" "Yeah, they bought it." She says. "Good." I kiss her neck playfully. "But I don't get why we had to pretend to break up?"  "So they'll suspect you less." "I'm their sister and close friend, I'm not even on the suspect list." "I know, but just in case." "Okay?" "So what's your plan for your sister's." "I'm gonna try and get them to join us. Sam will be easier than Tara." "My dad wants them dead. I don't think he'll care if they join us or not, he'll still kill them." "Do you?" "Not if it's not what you want. I want them to pay for killing Richie and they will, wether they're dead or alive. They'll pay in some way." "You know, I don't get it. Your dad wants everyone who was there when Richie died, dead. But not me?" "You're different, he likes you. Plus you sort of have the ghost of your famous dead dad attached to you, so that's pretty cool." She laughs. "Damn, using me for my dad. That's hurtful." She jokes. "I.would.NEVER." I pull her close and kiss her passionately.

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