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The sound of things breaking and crashing came from Mindy's dorm, her friends were on their way there already. Walking down the hall, they began running as they heard the commotion. DVDs, T-shirts, suspect lists, posters, just about anything horror she owned, was being destroyed. Tears flooding her eyes as she angrily ripped up a poster of stab. "Mindy..." Sam said softly. "Don't 'Mindy' me." She snapped. "First my uncle. Then Chad. Who's next? My mom? My dad? I'm going home. My mom...we're planning his fu-...funeral. I might come back. I might not." "Want me to come with?" Anika asks. "No. No, I need to go alone." Anika nods. "Well, can I at least help you pack." Mindy nods. Anika walks over and hugs Mindy before helping her pack, the others cleaning up the mess.

I hug Mindy goodbye at the door, along with the others. She makes her way out of the school and down the steps, getting inside a cab.

Part of Mindy didn't want to go. This funeral would be filled with tears, sympathy, and people asking "How are you feeling?" Or saying "I'm so sorry." How the fuck do you think she feels? Let me kill your twin brother, then tell me how YOU feel. But she went, for Chad. For him. The funeral was filled of people they all knew, from Chad's old highschool friends, college friends, family, family friends. Mindy did her best to hold it all in, her eyes watery but she managed to keep the tears from spilling. Was she devastated? Obviously. Who the hell wouldn't be? But mostly, she was pissed. In fact, pissed was an understatement. She hated whoever did this to him. She hated them so much. So much that no words could ever explain how much hate she carried. It wasn't until she looked to her left, that she almost broke. The sight of  her parents sobbing. To see them so heartbroken, only made it hurt more.

A/n: I'm not crying, you are.😭

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