Broken rules

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Sam's pov:

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Sam's pov:

This wasn't me, I know it wasn't. But someone is framing me. Making me think I'm killing these people, but it can't be. If it is, then that means I'm no different than my dad. And I can't be like him, not when I've spent my whole life trying not to be. I need to figure out who is doing this, and why. I need to stop them


"Going to that party is a terrible idea. Have you learned nothing?" Mindy says. "I'm tired of hiding out and being scared all the time, if I'm gonna die I might as well have a little fun before so." Chad says. "You're an idiot." "And a happy idiot i will be." Mindy rolls her eyes. "How do I look?" "Like you're gonna die tonight!" "If you're so worried, then come with me!" "I am! But I wish I didn't have to, why couldn't I have a smarter brother?" "Just come on." Mindy yanks Anika up and pulls her with them. They go outside, Chad calls a cab and they all head over to a frat party. "I'm gonna go get a drink, want one?" "We are NOT splitting up." Mindy follows Chad to the drinks. "A few, that's it. We can't get drunk." "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Rules, I knowww!" "It's not a joke Chad!" "I know that, but for once I'd like to have a little, just a little fun without you mentioning horror. Let's just pretend for an hour, one hour, that everything is normal. Like it used to be. Please?" Mindy sighs. "One. One hour then we go back to our dorms. Got it?" "Yes! I love you!" Chad squeezes Mindy tightly. "One hour." And within that hour, they did just that. Pretended everything was normal, that one of their friends and his mom hadn't been murdered, that their close friend didn't turn into a psycho, and there wasn't a new killer running around doing this all over again. In fact, they were pretending so well that Mindy forgot her own rules. "What happened to not getting drunk?" Chad chuckles. "Shut it." "I'll be right back, I gotta pee." "Uh-huh." Mindy smirks at Anika and wraps her arms around her neck, the two start making out. Chad sets his drink down on a side table and looks around for a bathroom. The one downstairs is occupied so he heads upstairs to look for another, he wanders into a bedroom and finds a bathroom. He kicks the door shut, after washing his hands he turns around and opens the door. And standing right there is ghostface, waving their knife around. "Shit." The killer shoves their knife right deep in his stomach, twisting it around. Chad pushes them off, hard enough for them to fall back. He jumps on top of them and the two begin wrestling with one another. Mindy pulls away from Anika. "Shit!" "What?" "He broke a rule. We both broke a- shit!" Mindy runs off. "Mindy? Hang on!" Anika quickly gets up and runs after her. Chad and the killer continue to wrestle. The killer manages to pin down Chad, ghostface struggles to push the knife down as Chad is using all his strength to keep it away from him. Slowly the knife lowers, lower and lower. Finally making its way through the skin of his chest. As they do so Chad lifts off their mask. His eyes widen as he sees who it is. He chokes up blood as he attempts to speak. "Y/n?..." He had never felt so betrayed like he did now, she was the last person he would have thought to betray them all like this. How could she do this? Y/n smiles as the life slowly drains from him. She pulls out her knife and quickly leaves the room. Mindy wanders the house in search of Chad. Finally making her way through the upstairs she eventually comes across the room Chad is in. All the color from her face fades and it becomes harder to breathe. She runs over to him. Her heart had never ached as much as it did right now. It felt like someone had actually reached in and yanked her heart out right from her chest. "Chad? Dammit Chad! Wake up!" She bursts into tears. "I told you not to come! I told you! Idiot!" She shakes him. Anika pulls out her phone and calls the police. Mindy checks his pulse, nothing. He's gone. "Come on. I can't lose you." Mindy lifts up his head and places it in her lap, caressing his hair and rocking back and forth as tears stream down her face. How could she let this happen? No one knows the rules better than she does. She should've fought harder to keep him from coming. And now she's lost him. It's all her fault. She lost him...

A/n: Please forgive me for this, this pains me to write, but sadly people gotta die. I'm so so sorry.😭💔

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