Join us

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I need to find a way to get my sisters to join me, I just have to figure out how.


"I need your help, please. Help me get Sam to join us." I tell my dad. "I'll do what I can, but this one's all yours." He says. I sigh and pace around my room trying to come up with ways to get Tara on our side. She's already got s bit of that fire in her, she's s bit crazy but I've just gotta figure out how to make it come out of hiding. But how- I grin. Tara and Chad, that's it. They just started dating, make her think he's cheated and that Mindy was helping cover it up and that will make her feel betrayed. She'll be hurt and angry that they'd do something like that, she'll probably stop hanging with them. It'll be a little easier from there. I start setting up the plan. Since Mindy and Chad are staying over tonight this should be easy. I sneak their phones, Mindy told me her password a while back so the only problem was Chad's- I burst out laughing as I figure out his password, I quickly stop myself from laughing so I don't wake anyone. I couldn't help myself, I mean his password is literally 'Tara123'. Bros got it bad, poor Chad... Anyways, time to ruin their lives. I set up a whole entire conversation between Mindy and Chad in their texts. I even added a new contact on his phone, a fake number I have on an app on my phone. I'll call him tomorrow whenever he leaves the room.


After breakfast we all hang out in the living room for a bit, thankfully after an hour Chad gets up to shower. After he leaves the room I wait ten minutes I text Ethan telling him to do it. I had changed my plan, I'd have Ethan call the phone, have eveyonr be distracted somehow so they wouldn't answer it and then have him text something suspicious. Ethan calls the phone while Tara, Mindy and I are baking some cookies in the kitchen. Tara goes to get it but I throw some flour on her. She laughs and throws some back. "Jerk." She laughs. "Oh, but it suits you Tara. Don't you think Sam?" Sam laughs. "Definitely." "Yeah? You think so? Have some too then." Tara throws some flour at Sam. Sam grabs some and throws some at Tara. Tara makes her way over to Chad's phone, a few texts were shown on the screen by a contact marked as 'Babe' just then a few more texts come in. "Hello??" "You said you were coming over last night." "You could've at least told me you couldn't make it." "Babe?" "Chad?" "Hello???" Tara unlocks his phone and goes through his texts with him and this 'Babe' with each text she gets more and more pissed. She goes through his other contacts and sees a message on Mindy's that causes her to open it. She goes through the phone and at this point it was obvious how pissed she was. "Tara?" Sam says. "Tara what is it?" I ask. "Tara you-" before Mindy can finish Tara yells. "What the fuck Mindy?!" "What?" "What? Seriously? What?!" Tara walks over to Mindy and shoves the phone in her face. "I- what? No, this never happened. We never- i never texted him any of this! This conversation never happened, Tara you've gotta believe me!" "It's all right there Mindy!!" "What's going on?" Sam asks. Tara laughs angrily. "Turns out Chad's been cheating on me, and Mindy here has been helping him cover it up." "What?" I ask. "No- no I haven't! I swear to God, this conversation didn't happen! It's fake!" "Bullshit!" Tara yells. Chad gets out of the shower and walks out completely confused about all the yelling. "What the hell is going on?" He asks. Tara storm over ot him and punches him hard enough to make his nose bleed. "Oh shit!" I try to hold my laugh. Dayuuum! you go Tara. Kick his ass! "What the hell was that?" Chad yells. "Tara!! He didn't do it! It's fake!" "The proof is right here!" "It's fake!" "It looks pretty fucking real to me!" "What the hell are you guys talking about?" Chad yells. "This!" Tara throws the phone at Chad. "This isn't real!" "If you're gonna cheat, at least be honest when I confront you!" "I didn't fucking cheat, Tara!" "Then explain your phone?" "It- i don't know... someone must've taken my phone last night while I was asleep. Mindy's too." "Yeah, but the only person who- Y/n. She knows my password. It was Y/n!" Mindy says. "Yeah, okay. Blame my sister, go ahead. Assholes! Get out!!" "You bitch!" Mindy runs over to y/n and tackles her to the ground. "Mindy what the hell!" Sam yells while trying to pull her off. "Get the fuck off me You crazy bitch!" I yell. "We didn't do anything and you know it! Tell her!" "Neither did I!" Sam manages to pull Mindy off. "How could you possibly think she'd do something like that? She's your best friend, Mindy." Sam says. "I-...I know...I'm sorry." Mindy and Chad grab their things and leave.


"There you go, that's my girl. You see, I knew you had it in you." Billy says with a smirk. "N-No. No I- I didn't do this. This wasn't me." Sam drops the bloody knife and steps away from the body. "No, it was definitely all you." "No, I could have. I don't even remember..." "Take a closer look, he look familiar to you?" Sam looks at the body for a moment. "It's- it's the guys from the party. The one that tried to get Tara to- No. No I didn't do this. Someone else did." "The blood is on your hands, the knife was in YOUR hands. No one else is here, Sam. This was all you." "No- I-" Sam takes a deep breath and picks up the knife, she picks up the knife and puts it between her jeans and stomach. She wipes her hands on her black jeans and walks casually back home. On her way she cleans off her prints and gets rid of the knife. She gets home and takes a shower. After she gets out she paces around her room. "This couldn't have been me...I'm not him. I swore I never would be. It wasn't- but I was holding the knife...I- it was him. I did it..."



After Tara found out about the whole Chad and Mindy thing the three of us went out for drinks. We were all drunk, except me. I made sure I wasn't so I could go through my plan with Sam, I had slipped something in her drank that Ethan had gave me. It s supposed to make her a bit drowsy and her mind a bit hazy. It'll be hard for her to remember anything after tonight, which is perfect. On our way home me, Tara and Sam took the usual shortcut through the alley. Sam said she was gonna stop inside the store to grab some mini donuts. So I quickly walked Tara to our apartment and came back in the alley and set up the plan, I lead the guy from the party to the alley. As far as he knew we were hooking up, but that was nowhere near what I had in store for him. As soon as he got there I ran up to him in my dad's costume and I stabbed him in the stomach ten times, each time going a little deeper. I twisted the knife around and slit down his stomach and then slit up. I then threw him to the ground. "That's my girl." My dad said from behind me. He couldn't see because of my mask but I was smiling. As soon as Sam came out of the store she came into the alley, I took the donuts from her and slipped the knife into her hand instead. She was still staring at the body, as if she wasn't fully awake or aware of anything. She hasn't even noticed me right next to her, I wipe some blood all over her hands and a bit on her face and then run off.


If I continue with this, Sam will eventually go crazy and join us. Or that's what I'm hoping for. As for Tara, hers is a work in progress, I still have so much more in store for dear sister.

A/n: Sorry for any mistakes, I haven't edited it yet.

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