Dad's Got My Back.

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"If you're gonna help you have to know that everyone is going down, your sisters too." "I know, I'm gonna try to get them to help but if I fail we'll do what we have to" "Go get Quinn," Your dad says "Quinn? Why? What's she got to do with this?" Ethan looks behind him to see who you're talking to. "She's his sister." "Wait what?" "Dude, who the hell are you talking to?" "My dad." "Your dad?" "Yeah, he's right there." "There's no one there y/n." "Yeah there is, he's standing right there." "Alright, if he's really there then have him tell me something no one else knows." "He already did, Quinn's your sister." Your dad starts talking and you repeat what he says "You guys and Detective Bailey want revenge because Sam killed Richie. Wait what?" "How the hell did-" "I told you, he's right there!" I say excitedly "Holy shit! That's so cool!" Ethan texts Quinn to come in your room and a minute later she comes in and you both fill her in. "That's so fucking cool! You're telling me we have the og right here in the room with us?!" "Yep, and that's not all." You get up and grab out the box you had hidden in your closet and grab the letter. You walk over to them and hand it to them. Ethan takes it and starts reading it. They both look up at you with a smirk. "Eee! This is gonna be so fun!" Quinn says. "Now I've just gotta figure out how to lure Sydney to New York." "I still can't believe she's your mom," Ethan says. "Me neither, I always thought my mom was Sam and Tara's mom." "We shouldn't talk about this here-" "We leave in five! Y/n lack a bag!" "What?" You jump and open the door. "Why?!" "What do you mean why? Y/n you almost died tonight!" "Yeah, but I didn't! Sam, we've been over this! The killer is gonna follow us wherever we go! Even Sydney said it!" "I don't care we're leaving!" "We're not just gonna leave everything behind because you're scared!" Tara yells. Quinn's phone rings. "Hey uh, my dad wants to talk to you." "Detective Bailey, I was just about to call you." "I'm gonna need you and your sisters to come down to the station for questioning." Sam sighs. "We're on our way." "What?" You ask. "He needs the three of us to go in for questioning." You sigh and put your jacket on then leave with Sam and Tara. As you guys are walking to the police station Sam's phone rings. "It's...Richie?" Sam answers the phone. "Hey Sam, miss me?" "I'd watch your back if I were you, the killers always die." "Not in my movie." The killer jumps out from behind the alley and runs after you guys, you guys run into a store on the corner and ask for help. The killer runs in. "Wait your turn creep," A random guy in line says. Ghostface comes closer and stabs him. The employee grabs a gun and yells for you guys to get in the back. "Shit, it's locked!" Tara yells. Ghostface takes the gun from the employee and shoots him, the three of you duck down and hide behind the racks as the killer searches for you. You guys quietly crawl around as Ghostface gets closer to you. As you guys keep crawling Tara accidentally steps on a piece of glass giving your hiding spot away. The killer shoots but misses, Sam and Tara run out of the way but before you can run the killer launches at the rack in front of you. You let out a small yelp as the rack hits your body, the killer tosses the rack aside and pushes the knife deep inside your stomach. "Y/N!!!" Sam and Tara yell in unison. The killer pushes you more up against the fridge door as he pushes the knife further into your stomach. Your blood was all over the fridge and floor, you looked over at your sisters as your eyes went blurry. Sam grabs the gun but it's empty so she hits the killer in the back of the head with it, the killer lunges at Sam and starts attacking her. You look to the corner to see your dad helping you up and pointing to the large piece of glass on the ground. You grab the glass and slice the killer's stomach he turns around to stab you but takes off using the key to escape through the back as he hears the sirens. You feel yourself getting lightheaded and you faint. "Y/N!!!" Sam yells as she and Tara run over to you.

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