My dad and mom let out a sigh as they glance at each other. 

"I knew we should've sent Azriel," my dad mutters under his breath. The words make me clench my jaw. I've been told my entire life how much better he is than me, how much stronger as he beat me in duels, it made me want to kill her even more and yet I still kept my mouth shut.

"You can go now, Adonis," my dad dismisses. 

I don't stay for a moment longer than necessary. I turn and leave The Underworld, the place of my people, to where the final angel is, who I for some reason have not killed.


As I sit in class, I don't pay attention to anything the teacher says. I sit in class, in complete boredom, until the door opens.

"Sorry," Valeria mutters to the teacher as she walks in late. My head tilts at her. 

She wears a dress, it's a light pink color with a similar shade of lipgloss on her lips. I had gone so long without seeing her that it felt as if I was seeing her for the first time again. She makes her way to her seat in front of me, and there it is, her sweet perfume. 

I knew what she was going through. I was the one that inflicted it upon her, I'm the one that must take her soul. Yet if you didn't know her, you'd think there was nothing wrong with her. She smiled at people like usual. 

As I look at her hair, I know that I shouldn't talk to her. We're enemies, a demon and an angel, fuck I should've killed her already. Yet instead, I lean forward and whisper to her, "Cute dress. Did you dress up just for me?"

She looks at me over her shoulder. She whispers back, "Yeah, I also have this in my pocket."

She fake reaches for something and then flips me off. My head tilts as I smirk slightly. 

"You look good, Valeria," I say. I compliment the one person on this Earth left that I need to kill. 

"I should've known pink was your favorite color," she says sarcastically.

Everything she has gone through. Losing her parents, then Gabriel, then all of her people. That was enough to break most people. Yet here she was, sitting in class, smiling at people as if nothing were wrong. I had called her weak before. I now believe that I was wrong about that.

When the teacher gives us a dirty look for whispering, I lean back in my seat, watching Valeria play with her bracelet for the rest of class. 

Once the bell rings, she collects her things and throws her bag over her shoulder before walking out of the room. I walk quickly to catch up to her. Once again I didn't know why I did. 

"Here," I say as I hand her a paper. She looks confused as she takes it. "It's the notes from the past week."

She says a weak 'thank you' as she puts them in her bag. 

What the fuck am I doing right now? I see the faces of all my people down there, as they die, as they beg me to save them. It's my job, it's my duty, and I've almost done it. I've rid the world of every single angel besides one. 

One. This short brunette girl who walks beside me. Her life is the only thing standing in the way of what I've been working toward for the last few years. 

She stops walking and turns to face me. I looked at her, at her angelic skin, and I wondered how she was so good at fooling me. 

"Have you noticed anybody acting different lately, Adonis?" she asks me. I know why she's asking it. She's trying to find the demon.

Even as I look at her, knowing she's trying to find the demon so that she can kill them, as I look into her brown eyes, I cannot kill her. It makes me frustrated. She looks up at me, waiting for a response, one that I cannot give her.

I go to reply when a voice from beside us cuts me off.

"Excuse me? Do either of you know where room 42B is?" they ask. My blood, which can survive boiling temperatures, feels as if it turns to ice as I recognize the voice. Slowly, I turn my head to look at them. 

"I've heard somebody died there, and that this school has a serial killer," he says with a smirk as I look at him. "How creepy."

My jaw clenches.


Word Count: 1506

Word Count: 1506

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