part 34

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Next day

Kook woke up and found himself in his hotel room. He frown because he clearly remembered that he slept in makeup room. Kook looked at himself and saw he was still on his previous outfit

Kook came out from bed and left to washroom. After with great difficulty, Kook did his morning routine and changed his clothes. He came out of his room wearing baggy clothes

But immediately meet with Jack and suga who is also coming toward Kook's room. Kook smiled, looking at them, and said

"Good morning, hyungs,"

"Good moring kook. How are you," both said at the same time, making kook giggle

"I am fine. Don't worry," Kook said

"Thank god you are ok now," suga said with sigh

"But hyung how I get here. I remember that I slept in makeup room," Kook asked

"The Kim V took you to your room," suga said with smirk making jack and kook wide their eyes

"What do you mean," jack immediately asked


Its already 8:00 pm. All are going back after tiring day. Tae try to woke kook up but he is in deep sleep. So he carry kook in bridal style and come out from room making everyone wide there eyes

Suga run toward tae and said

"Sir you don't need to carry him. Let me take him to hotel you don't need to bother,"

"Its ok mr min. I will take jungkook. And if you want you can come with me in my car," tae said politely maki g suag frozed on his spot. He is so much shocked

"I am fine sir," suga said still in shock

Tae softly smile at suga and left to his car. After making kook sit. He also sit down and left to hotel

"Is he just talk to me respectfully," suga said to himself in shock

But immediately remember what he hear when he come to give juice to kook. Yes suga hear that they talk now suga understand why tae behaving nicely.

"So kim V is changing himself for my kook," suga said with smirk

Flashback end

"Hyung tell me," kook asked making suga come out from his bubbly world

"Check your moblie you will get what I said," suga said with smirk and left

Kook frowns but immediately takes his phone and opens his Instagram. But immediately wide his eyes when his sw tae is carrying him and make him sit in his car. After tae sit and left.

There are many videos and pictures of taekook and kook know this is the new hot topic for taekookers. Kook sigh and close the phone

"Why he did this," kook thought with frown

But he feels a warm feeling that someone cares for him other than jimin. Kook felt a burning sensation in his whole body remembering how tae was carrying him. But he ignore it and started to walk toward hotel restaurant to had his breakfast

Suddenly kook bumped into someone and he hiss in pain whe  he get hurt on his stiched area

"Ahhh," kook said in pain

"Are you ok. I am really sorry,"

Kook hear tae voice and immediately looked up and wide his eyes when he realised tae just apologise to him

"Are you ok," tae asked with frown

"Y-yeah I am," kook said

Kook looked at tae and said

"Taehyung," tae immediately looked at kook because it is the first time kook called his name and he really love it

"Yes," tae said

"Thank you for taking me back," kook said with soft smile which really did a great effect to tae

"Its ok," tae said

"By the way, Where were you going," tae asked with soft voice

"To restaurant having my breakfast," kook said

Tae said ok and look at kook who already looking at him tae felt butterflies in his whole body. So tae immediately said bye and run away from there which make kook frown but he shrugged and also left

Tae come to his room and sit down on his bed with fast heart beat. He don't know what is happening with him whenever he looks at kook now a days. He feel like hading the boy from word that no evil eyes fall on him.....
These all things making tae more frustrated

Tae took his phone and called someone who is need tye most to solve the puzzle of his feeling. Soon the call get picked

"Hello jin hyung," tae immediately said

"Hello tae. How are you," jin asked

"I am not fine hyung," tae said

"Why?? What happened?? Are you ok??," jin asked in worry

"I don't know what is happening with me. I am feeling so frustrated now. Please help me hyung," tae said in worried voice

"Explained me clearly. What's wrong," jin asked

"I don't know hyung. Whenever I clise my eyes I saw him. Whenever I kooked at him my heart felt like it will come out anytime. And whenever he talk to me I felt to hear him till my last breath. Help me hyung,"  tae said

"And who make your rhis condition," jin asked from other side

"I-its j-jungkook," tae said with worrideness

"Hurray....yeah I got it," jin said cheerfully

"Now what wrong with you hyung," tae asked in frustration

"You are doing really well. Keep it up," jin said excitedly

"Hyung are you ok. What wrong with you," tae asked in confusion and worriedness

"I am absolutely fine. I am just happy," jin said happily

"Happy for what hyung. Please I am already very disturbed don't make me more," tae said in frustration

"In few days, you are going to call me again and tell me the answer of your question. Just wait and watch mr kim V," jin said and cut the call

Tae looked at his phone for sometime with most confused face. He is now more confused than anything. Why his hyung behave like that and what he mean by in few day. What will happen in few day

This all things make tae confused more. He become more frustrated then anything

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