part 14

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Same day

All left to rehersaling area. Tae and kook didn't exchange any words. Both face is blank when kook doing his makeup. Tae is now shooting his practicing video while singing and dancing.

Kook is silent today. He is not cheerful like other days and everyone noticed that even tae guards who admire the fluff ball noticed that....everyone asked kook if everything is ok and he just said that he have headache today.....they all think that kook is disturbed from the fake new which spread everywhere. Which make surprise everyone first but they know that it always like that

Tae fans always pair tae with someone for some time and then forget.

Kook is resting his head on back of wall while sitting on chair with closed eyes.

"Kookie," someone called and kook open his eyes

"Hanni noona," kook said with weak smile

"Kookie take this medicine it will help you to reduce your headache," hanni said with worried expression

"Thank you so much noona," kook said and take the medicine from her

She is one of staff and kook admire. She is older then kook and treat him like his little brother.

Hanni ruffle kook hair and smile

"Ok now I have to go but remember to eat it ok," she said and kook said ok with little smile

She left from there. Kook looked at medicine then at tae with anger. His hand is aching to kill that asshole.

"He is the reason of my distress and uncomfortable. Fucking asshole," kook thought angrily

By the way, he took medicine and really in some minutes he felt relief that he don't know when he slept while sitting. Tae one bodyguard saw kook in really uncomfortable position and carry him bridal style and left to make up room

After making kook lay on couch and covering him with sheets. He ruffle kook hair and left the room with soft smile..........after coming outside the room he tell suga that kook is in makeup room sleeping. He left to other friends of his

After finishing his shoot. Tae sit down on chair and staff srounded around him with fans, napkins to wipe his sweat. Tae took water bottle and drink some water from it...........he looked around to see some specific one but the person is no where.

He get up after some rest and called suga

"What we have next," tae asked rudely

"Sir you are free today, you have a concert tomorrow," suga said looking at V

"Ok," tae just said and get up and left to makeup room for changing his clothes

Without looking around he left to washroom and after getting fresh up and changing his clothes. He come out from washroom........Then he saw kook is sleeping on couch. He curl his fist. Greet his teeth and cleanched his jaw.

"Just wait and watch," tae thought in anger

He left from there. Suga come inside and wake up kook to left for home.

At 5:00 pm

All got notification from mr bang that he arranged dinner for everyone in five star restaurant. This make everyone happy. Kook called jack and suga for selecting his clothes for dinner

After so many efforts they didn't able to select so kook have no choice except to call jimin. Jack and suga sit down on couch tiredly while kook called jimin

"Hello jimin," kook said looking at screen because he video call jimin

"Sorry mister who are you," jimin said dramatically making jack chuckled and kook pout

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