"That was so beautiful!" Ino gushes when I finish. "Why don't you sing in the village more often?"

I say nervously as I run my hands through the long parts of my bangs, "I get stage fright, and I just clamp up. I don't really sing in front of crowds."

Kiba encourages, "Well, you should! The people will love your voice. I know I do." He throws me a grin and I blush.

"Err, you know, Ren sings too," I say, nudging my teammate.

"He does?" Sakura and Ino ask in surprise.

Winking at them, Ren confirms, "I sure do!"

"Really? I had no idea you could sing, Ren!" Sakura says in surprise.

Kiba looks unimpressed as he mutters, cheek in hand, "Sakuya's voice is way prettier than his."

"I still like singing," Says Ren.

We stay up for a few more hours before Kakashi announces, "We need someone for sentry duty." Everyone groans.

I say with a sigh after gazing around at my teammates, getting to my feet, "I guess I'll take the first shift, then."

"Ok. We'll change every two hours. Kyo will be next," Says Kakashi.

We agree. While my teammates go to sleep, I take a chocolate bar and my water and book to a boulder nearby and eat the chocolate first with my Earth Release Sensing Jutsu activated.

Homura curls up beside me to keep me company, even though she's asleep herself.

I finish my chocolate and keep my Jutsu activated while I read my fantasy book for the next two hours, using the light of the campfire.


The sun shines brightly the next morning as fish crackles over the fire.

I smile as I finish making breakfast, with Hinata's help. We'd made rice with the fish. I'd used my Moon's Pull Jutsu to catch the fish in bubbles.

Ren, who was last on sentry duty, has fallen back to sleep on his blue sleeping bag.

I call, "Breakfast is ready!"

Most everyone starts waking up and stretch as they yawn before wandering over to the fire. Ren, however, stays in bed.

I blush upon seeing Kiba shirtless.

I immediately look away as I get my bowl of food.

"Alright! The food smells so good!" Choji cheers, bring the first to reach the fire.

"This looks delicious, Sakuya, Hinata," Comments Kurenai.

Naruto takes the biggest fish as I give one to Homura.

Kiba says, "Thanks, Sakuya-chan, thanks, Hinata!"

"You and Hinata made all this?" Asuma asks.

"Yeah. Figured I'd get up early and make everyone breakfast," I say before biting into my own. "Besides, I couldn't really sleep that well last night."

Kakashi asks me, "Are you worried?"

"It's been seven years since I was last home. The only time I saw my friends was during the Chunin Exams," I say. I let out a sigh. "I'm a little nervous about returning home after all this time. But now that I do get to go home, it's for a mission."

Kyo tells me calmly, "You shouldn't be nervous. I'm sure your parents will be happy to see you."

I murmur as I gaze down at my fish, "I can only hope we get there before anything bad happens."

We finish breakfast and were all packed up, except for Ren, who is still snoring away on his sleeping bag.

Asuma says, "Did you all thank Hinata and Sakuya for making breakfast?"

"Thank you, Hinata, Sakuya," Everyone chimes.

Sakura and Ino have deadpan expressions beside me as the Haruno mumbles, "He's... still asleep?"

"His snoring is grating at my ears," Ino complains. She glances to me. "Can't you shut him up, Sakuya?"

Kiba suggests with his arms crossed, "Or, you know, we could just leave him here." He now has his shirt and jacket back on.

I sigh as I stomp up to my blonde haired teammate and nudge him with my foot. "Come on, Ren, wake up. Everyone's ready to go to the Land of Blossoms."

Ren squints his eyes open blearily and tries to sit up, groaning, but falls back down. "Sleep now. Land of Blossoms later."

A yellow tick mark appears on the left side of my head as he continues to snore. I glance to Homura. "Homura, if you will."

She transforms and sneaks up to the sleeping blonde. Homura then lets out a roar that causes Ren to sit bolt upright and scream while jumping away in his blue sleeping bag.

Then he trips on himself and face plants, grunts at the pain.

I say innocently, "Great! You're awake. Let's go!"

The Crystal Style user scowls in irritation as Naruto, Choji, Ino and Sakura giggle.


We were back in our formations as we resume travelling to the harbour.

I hear Ren grumble, "Awe, man! I'm so hungry!"

I say back as I run along the ground, "You sound just like Choji. It's your fault for not getting up when everyone else did."

"You could've at least saved a fish for me!" The Takahashi snaps back. "And what was with making Homura roar in my ear like that, anyway?! Were you trying to make me deaf?"

"It was the only way I could think of to wake you up," I reply. Ren scowls.

We continue and eventually reach the harbour in the Land of Hot Water.

"There's our boat," Kakashi points out, as we gaze at a massive boat with the Hidden Leaf symbol on the sails. We all grin at each other before cheering and racing towards the boat.

As Ino and Sakura walk on the deck, Naruto and Kiba charge past, nearly knocking the girls into the water.

They squeal before chasing the boys as I stand with Kyo and Sasuke. "Kiba, Naruto! You jerks!" The girls exclaim angrily.

I sigh, "I get the feeling this is going to be a long trip." The boys nod their heads in agreement.

As Ino and Sakura are chasing Naruto, Sasuke, Kyo, Homura and I boarding the boat, Kiba yells from the top deck, "Cannonball!!"

I flinch as water sprays towards us and Ino and Sakura let out squeals of surprise.

"Kiba!!" Sakura and Ino cry out.

The Inuzuka laughs as he returns to the boat and comes over to me. I hold up my hand and squint my eyes as he shakes ease off himself.

"Come on, Sakuya-chan! You should join me in the water! It's fun."

"No thanks, Kiba," I respond with narrowed eyes. "I don't feel like getting wet today."

"Awe, come on! It'll be more fun with you!" My eyes widen as he takes a step towards me.

"Kiba, if you even think about grabbing me and tossing me in, I will punch you all the way to the Land of Lightning," I say seriously. The brunette pauses, no doubt catching on to the seriousness of my words.

He pouts as he grumbles, "Fine. But I'll get you in the water one way or another!"

Kiba grins at me and I blush. Sasuke and Kyo frown at him.

Kakashi comes over and addresses me, "Err, Sakuya? Since there's not a lot of wind right now, I was wondering if you could use your Wind Style to fill the sails?"

"Sure," I say. I glance at the three boys before I go to the sails, and Kakashi heads for the wheel. I do hand signs. "Wind Style: Dancing Wind Jutsu."

I hold up my arms and wind fills the sails before we steadily take off, towards me homeland, the Land of Blossoms.

Book 1: Sakura Heart (Kiba Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now