We walked back to my place and Yosano helped assemble my clothing cabinet. I unpacked some of the clothes I bought the other day. Yosano looked at my entire wardrobe "Why do you have 7 copies of the same outfit?" She asked pointing at my clothes.

"Hey! The pants have different pocket angles! And this hoodie has 2 extra pockets at the side!" I pointed at the minor differences in all the clothes.  Yosano shook her head "You're at the age where you should be buying all kinds of fancy clothes! I could lend you some if you want..."

I stared at her chest and then at my chest. Compared to hers mine was... Flat. I gave her a blank stare as she realized what the main issue would be.

"I- I mean I could always buy you some clothes!" She quickly opened me fridge and pointed at all the pudding and potatoes in there that took up more than half of the fridge trying to change the subject. "A-and you should also be paying attention to what you're eating! It isn't healthy to eat too much pudding. Or potatoes..."

I pointed at the other half of the fridge that had veggies and bread with some eggs and milk, then I opened the freezer to show the meat that was in there along with some pudding ice cream.

"I'm perfectly healthy outside of my pudding addiction! And the only reason I have so many potato's is because I know how to make a lot of potato recipes!" I told Yosano.

Yosano took a look at my fridge "Ignoring the pudding you do have the veggies, proteins, and carbs necessary..."

She gave me a thumbs up before looking out the window the sun was starting to set and she would have to leave soon. "Yosano-senpai if you don't have any plans I could cook for you..."

Yosano smiled as she accepted my offer and watched me in the kitchen preparing a basic meal. I came to the table with some miso soup, fish, tofu, and rice. "Ta-da! Hope you enjoy senpai!"

She happily ate the food "It's delicious where'd you learn how to cook?" I scratched the back of my head bashfully "I mostly learned from the internet... And a little bit from other people."

I remembered something and went over to my cabinet and pulled out the grape tea that I bought with the pudding yesterday thanks to a sale. (Buy 5 pudding cups get 1 random tea flavor, needless to say I had a lot of tea lying around)

"Senpai, since we couldn't have alcohol or juice we can drink this!" I held out the tea and she smiled. "Of course! I'll prepare the water!"

The two of us spent the rest of the meal talking about random things while Yosano occasionally drank some of the tea.


Sleepy Ali (Atsushi)

I yawned for what felt like the 40th time that day, and the day had just started! It really was a bad idea to activate 2 character in one day... I could barley sleep that night.

Atsushi looked at me concerned about how tired I was. "Ali, are you okay?" 

"I'm fine... Nothing I haven't been through before..." I stretched and tried to shake off the sleepiness. There was still a whole day of work left and I couldn't afford to fall asleep this early.

Kunikida was explaining to the both of us how to take down an armed opponent and still hadn't noticed that we were talking. I put my arms on the table and used my arms as a pillow.

From his years of teaching Kunikida knew what a student who was about to fall asleep looked like. "Ali! No falling asleep! You're gonna have to learn all this if you wanna survive here!"

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