3 : Piece Of Planet

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■ □ Same Day □ ■

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■ □ Same Day □ ■

☆•. Prithvi .•☆

                           Shot opened my eyes startled by the sound of the alarm which I had forgotten to turn off before going to sleep.

I reached out and took the alarm clock off and threw it somewhere on the bed.

I crawled back into my blankets and tried to continue my sleep, but failed.

I slowly pushed down the blanket, closed my eyes and sat straight on the bed. I rubbed my hands and gently touched my face with the pleasant warmth.

When I opened my eyes I saw my trolley bag near the dressing table, my suit lying on the floor from the bed, my oxford shoes lying upside down, one by the door and one in the middle of my room.

Went down and picked up the things and put them in their respective places. I looked at the wall clock on the right. Eight o'clock!

Did I sleep fifteen hours?

I was exhausted from the trip to London and yes, I really needed a long nap.

Took a warm bath to relax the body and got ready to go to office.

When I came into the living room I saw our servant Ali mopping the floor and mom reading newspaper.

"Mom, how are you?" I walked into the dining hall and asked, I gulped down some water from the jug.

"Fine dear." She said without taking her eyes off the newspaper.

"What did they say?" She asked about my meeting with the London company.

"They're ready. And I think…" I dragged words as if to coax her to say yes. but she interrupted me.

"....Don't think anything. Tell them no." She looked up at me as if to end the chapter.

"Why?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

"You know how hard your father worked for our company, we can't split it in two." She narrowed her eyes.

"I'm not asking you to split it up mom, everything is changing, we need someone as partners." I walked towards her.

"Wait" she looked me up and down. "Are you going to the office?" she asked standing up.

"What's new about that?" Looking myself up to down I simply asked.

"But you only came yesterday." She placed the newspaper on the teapoy.

"I arrived about fifteen or sixteen hours ago. I'm fine now." I turned around to let her scan me with her eyes.

"Prithvi." She called me in a low voice.

I let out a sigh and pouted. "Sujata... I understand your feelings." I held her on the shoulder and sat her on the sofa. "I know what you are going to say. Why do you need to go to the office when you come back? Don't you want to spend time with your mother? Isn't that all?” I sat next to her.

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