Chapter 1.9

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The group gathered in Nico's living room, drinks visible in their hands. Leo Valdez had been the late guest that time, and they couldn't begin their meeting without the comic relief member.

Annabeth squirmed in her seat, heart racing. She didn't want to share her findings just in case she was wrong, but it was the right thing to do. If everything the group had said before was true, then Percy didn't know who he was anymore.

Nico, on the other hand, was elated to share his findings. Percy was just a manipulator, and Frank's near-death experience sent Nico's patience off the edge. Nobody had the right to hurt anyone, especially not one of Nico's few friends.

Leo burst into the apartment breathing heavily, throwing the coat off of his shoulders. "My bad, guys. Looks like I got the hat of shame tonight."

It was a tradition for them at that point. Whoever was last to the meeting always wore a yellow hat with 'stupid' written across it in almost illegible letters. Reyna thrusted the hat onto Leo's thick head, squishing his curls underneath it.

"Alright, time to start," Jason decided, slamming his gavel against the table. "Let this meeting commence. As tradition, the treasurer must start with her report. Piper?"

"Thanks," Piper replied dryly. "Leo embezzled group funds to buy a few donuts from the bakery, resulting in a loss of fifteen dollars."

"Looks like the shoes of shame are coming out, too!" Hazel dug through Nico's empty closet, throwing a box of clunky orthopedic shoes at Leo. He opened the box, cringing at the sight inside.

"That's why you shouldn't use our funds to feed yourself," Frank agreed. Then, in a softer voice, he said, "Unless you don't have enough money. Then we'll help you."

Leo threw the shoes on his feet, strutting around the space with his bulky shoes. The rest of them gasped in horror at the ugly shoes, all dramatically hissing in disgust. "My eyes!" Piper screamed. "I'm blinded!"

"Shut up!" Leo scowled. "They're not that bad. In fact, I might actually wear them outside of here-"

"No!" Reyna pushed Leo out of the way, shoving him onto the couch. "Let's just get this meeting over with. I have work in the morning."

"Alright, Reyna?" Jason locked eyes with the brunette. "Your secretary's report, please?"

"Our last meeting was last week in this exact location," Reyna responded, staring down at her notebook. "We were planning out Nico's revenge plot and acquiring the fake boyfriend. As of right now, Nico's plan has been successful. Percy is trying really hard online to seem like he's okay with Annabeth, but ultimately is trying too hard."

"Thanks for that." Jason nodded his head in approval. "Next, the solutionist's report. Nico, how're things going on your end with your plan?"

"So glad you asked." Nico cleared his throat, folding his hands on the coffee table. "Will and I have been meeting up whenever we can and planning this through. We crafted a schedule to ensure our public appearances for Percy's advisors. See, we'll go out and take a walk or have a picnic when both of us have time and usually have cute conversations or hold hands."

"Have you caught the spies yet?" Hazel asked.

"Yeah, but we haven't confronted them," Will explained. "We've used our code word many times, but they haven't caught the memo that we know about them."

"That's good," Jason agreed. "Anything else about the matter?"

"Actually, I have something to add." Annabeth spoke up, all eyes converting their attention to her. She gulped, but proceeded to plead her case. "I'm sure you guys know that Percy's been calling Nico and asking what he did wrong, probably trying to manipulate him. Something's going on inside of Percy's head right now. He's not just forgetting things with Nico. He keeps saying things and asking us questions, but later can't remember why."

"He's probably just gaslighting you," Piper snorted.

"Can you explain more?" Will requested. "What's he asking you to do?"

"Well, he asks me to get him food when we're cuddling or hugging. When I get up from the couch to get him food or drinks, he whimpers and asks why I'm leaving," Annabeth explained. "His tone suggests that he's either scared or just confused, and it's a little overwhelming."

"He could just be playing with you," Frank said. "If you're really worried about him, maybe you should take him to the doctor. If it's real, he could be in danger. Short-term memory loss is a big deal."

"It's Percy," Nico scowled. "I thought he was the bad guy. Frank, he almost killed you a couple years ago!"

"I think she's right, though!" Frank argued. "When he almost hit me, he immediately climbed out of his car and called an ambulance. He burst into tears, asking me how I got so hurt. He was so genuinely scared for my safety, but it seemed like he didn't know what happened!"

"Annabeth, I agree with Frank on this one," Leo shrugged. "Maybe he should just see a doctor. That would explain all this. Maybe he's not such a bad person after all, and he just forgot who he was."

"Short-term memory loss doesn't make up for the years of abuse and torture we all faced because of him!" Nico barked. "Will, you can't be serious about this. We're on the same side, remember? You want to get back at Percy?"

"Nico, you know I want to help you, but this could actually help our plan." Will fiddled with his fingers in his lap.

"By doing what, gaslighting him?" Nico roared. "That's it, I'm going outside. I need some air."

Nico stormed out of his own apartment, leaning against the railing. Light gusts of wind blew into his face, blowing hair onto his cheeks. He closed his eyes, taking in deep breaths as his heart rate slowed down from the anxiety.

"Neeks?" Will poked out of the room, standing next to his false lover. "I know you hate him with a burning passion, but we need to think about Percy's health for a minute."

"Why, Will?" Nico slammed his arms against the railing, avoiding eye contact with him. "After all he's done to me, to you, and to them, why do you guys still find space in your heart to care about him? I sure as hell don't!"

"Everyone deals with grief and heartbreak differently," Will replied blankly. "That's why I left the group. I wanted to give you space. After that, all I did was miss my friends even more. Now that I'm back with you guys, it all feels so fake. I'm only here because of Percy."

"That didn't answer my question!"

"I've gotten over Percy," Will sighed. "What he did was so fucked-up, and I acknowledge that. But he's still a human being. You're not seeing the bigger picture. We can't gaslight, hurt, or drive him off the edge. All that'll do is destroy his self-esteem and possibly take his life. None of us want anyone dead, Neeks."

He didn't realize he was crying until Will offered a hug. He'd gladly taken it, crying into his shoulder while the two embraced on the patio.

Through the window, the rest of the group stayed silent besides Hazel's squeals of happiness.

Nico pulled away, wiping his tears away with his shirt sleeve. "Alright, I'm ready to go back in. I'll be more open to helping him, I guess. You're right."

"I know it's tough," Will said, leading Nico back into the room. "But you're strong. You're the strongest person I know."

They regrouped in Nico's living room, a glass of water in Nico's hands to calm his nerves. "Alright, so what's our decision?" Jason asked.

Nico sucked in a breath. "I've decided to go along with finding Percy a doctor. I talked about it with Will, and he made a valid point. If Percy goes insane with everything and we can't catch up to him, someone might get hurt or worse. We don't want that, so I'm all for Annabeth taking him to the doctor."

"All agree, say 'aye'," Jason commanded.

"Aye," The group said collectively.

"All oppose, say 'nay'."

Silence filled the room, following Jason's gavel. "Motion carried."

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