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I couldn't even put Amaris away without Holden on my heels. I sighed and went for my room to change, but Holden denied me access. His arm blocked the doorway at about my chest height. "You're only to enter your room after dinner. I will stand guard outside it for tonight," he said sternly.
"I wish to change. My leathers smell after this afternoon."
"You're only to enter your room after dinner, Protector," Holden repeated a bit more firmly.
"Well, where am I allowed to go?" I crossed my arms defiantly. Holden might be bigger and stronger, he was slow. I could slip around him if I wanted.
"We can go into the gardens freely, to the barracks, to a meeting room, and the kitchens."
"The kitchens it is. I'm starving."
"I'm not going to let you raid the kitchen here like you do in the palace."
"I don't raid the kitchens. I ask for something and offer a helping hand wherever I can. It's called human decency, and what I've been hearing and seeing from your Royal Guards, you could use a lesson."
"Well they can't properly do their job with your presence."
"I wouldn't be here if they did their jobs properly, General. Don't blame your and their incompetence on me."
"Wanna repeat that, Protector?" he snarled.
"You and your men are incompetent and insufficient in your job to protect the Royal Family," I calmly repeated. Rage filled Holden's eyes as he tried to keep his composure.

He started saying something, but I heard something different. The shadows I had set out in Aeris started whispering and humming, strumming alive. "You filthy vermin are stealing, are you?" Rydell. That was Rydell. Incoherent chatter followed. Gnomes.
"Give that poor baker his pastries back and we'll think about letting you go freely." Braham was there too. The blood in my veins started boiling. A shove against the wall brought me back to the mansion.
"You dare ignore me after throwing such insult," Holden hissed. I shoved him, sending him stumbling back. He regained his balance, eyes now fuming.
"I don't care, you hot tempered shit. I need to go," I dryly respond.
"Are you going deaf?" I started walking away, my hands itching to send my shadows towards him. Holden followed me again, anger palpable.
"Where do you think your going?"
"Right now? Away from you." He was started to piss me off. It was a long way until I reached the stables to get Amaris before leaving for Aeris. My room was stationed on the other side of the mansion, and I had to move through many different doors and pathways. Once outside, Holden had caught up with me, and lunched at me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back slightly. My shadows erupted from my back, waiting for my command.

"Let me go," I hissed threatening.
"I am under orders to keep an eye on you," Holden retorted. I let the shadows on my back grew darker, a bit more restless. A few I pointed directly towards Holden, moving like snakes.
"Let. Go. Of. My. Arm." I spoke the words so calmly and firmly, articulating. Fear crossed the General's eyes and I felt his fingers loosen. I shot him one more look, and he let go completely.
"Where are you going?" he asks.
"To Aeris. There's a problem-"
"If there's a problem Nolan can fix it."
"Nolan can't fix shit. There are people in my region in trouble and the idiots that they call Rydell and Braham are making it so much worse. So I'm going. And there's nothing you can do to stop me." I hissed the words with such venom he grew a tad unsure. He adjusted his posture slightly.
"Haelyn will-"
"I don't care. She can cry about it to the gods for all I care." I meant it. If he wanted to inform the Queen, he should, but I was going. I took a step back, commanded my shadows around me, and traveled through them, towards my other shadows in Aeris, that were close to Rydell and Braham.

The wind that hit my cheeks was cold, freezing almost. The world around me zoomed past, too much of a blur to notice distinct landmarks. It didn't matter. My goal was to get to Aeris as quick as possible. When I did, I thanked the gods. The gnomes Rydell and Braham were dealing with hadn't done anything, except try and talking to them. I snuck up behind the two Protectors with my shadows and leaned against a tree. "Gentlemen, what exactly is going on?" I smoothly say, crossing my arms. The gnomes recognize me and run towards me, hiding behind my legs.
"Eira. I thought you were stationed at the palace. Why are you here?" Rydell asks.
"I am still stationed there. Though, when you two screw shit up, I will still step in. Now that I've answered your question, how about you answer mine."
"Those gnomes were stealing," Braham says.
"Let me guess," I start with a vicious smile, "you saw them running around and thought that's what they were doing."
"They were stealing the pastries fro-"
"Oh those pastries are from Magically Good Bakery, a bakery that has existed for generations. Sanders is the pastry chef in charge and creates the best things. These gnomes are his delivery system. They are the quickest couriers in the city. At least, when they can do their jobs."
"How can you be sure?"
"For one, I've talked to Sanders about this before, and secondly, they really are quick. I once ordered a small cake and they got it to me still warm from the ovens."

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