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--- Thomas ---

Eira is dancing. She's actually dancing a very rigid dance, and still looks graceful doing so. And so weak. She's exhausted. It takes all of her focus on the moves, making sure she doesn't make a wrong step. I'm surprised she can keep her eyes open at all, considering the amount of power she has been using. When she finally stops, she sways a lot. I want to catch her, but Nolan holds me back by my shoulder, using his unnatural strength to keep me in place. "What's going on? Let me go, please," I turn to Nolan.
"Sorry, Your Highness. Your mother's orders," he replies, staring at Eira.
"Someone needs to help Eira. She's on her last leg."
"I know. General Holden and your mother will take care of her."

As he says it, I see Holden hit Eira on the back of the head with the hilt of his sword, and she collapses in his arms, unmoving. "Mother what are you doing?" I demand, trying to get out from Nolan's iron grip.
"Take her to the dungeons, and make sure she's tied up. I can't have her walking around," my mother says to Holden, who picks up the Protector as if she weighed less than a feather.
"Yes, Your Majesty."
"Answer me," I command, clearer and louder now. Her head turns awfully slow and Nolan squeezes my shoulder.
"Your mind is clouded, my dear boy. The Protector used forbidden magic, along with forbidden languages, and has been breaking the law for years. She will get what she deserves."
"She just saved us. Again. She defeated two trolls and kept conscious, knowing she was burning out, all to ensure we'd get out of the palace and that ice. How can you lock her away for that?"
"Once you're King, you'll see that hard choices need to be made."
"This isn't a hard choice. This is a wrong one. This isn't fair or just."
"You know our laws about magic use-"
"Damn those laws. They don't protect us. Eira did just now. How can-" I took a few deep breaths, using some ice to freeze Nolan's hand. When he let go, I got away from his reach.

"We were lucky we get to live another day. Eira gave us that. Not your laws, not your Guard, Eira. So, I don't care if you claim my mind is clouded, I have been blind to your ignorance too. Enjoy Lharoninine tomorrow. I won't be joining." I walk past my mother, holding her gaze with an icy stare.
"You really think that?" she asks as she turns around.
"I do. Father would too, if he were here today. Let's not forget who made it possible for us to say goodbye to him." I walked out of the vault, feeling a push against my mental walls. I sent a freezing gust of wind into the vault, aimed solely for my mother. With big strides I go to the infirmary, where the physicians are taking care of the wounded. Seven men were tended to first, while the remaining Guards took care of smaller cuts and bruises. They tended to their own men and the servants that were unfortunate enough to get caught in the middle. Cameron was assisting Monica, who was clad in a sparkling lavender gown. He held his friend down while Monica disinfected a large wound on his chest, before bandaging it up. I helped others with similar tasks, talking to them.

Near the morning, most had been taken care of. The servants had returned to their room, the Guards to their barracks, and the seven badly wounded had made it through the night. Monica was still helping the physicians cleaning up, taking sheets off and throwing away snippets of bandages. I was doing so too, smiling at her whenever we passed. From the corner of my eye, I saw her lift a heavy bed so she can move it back to its place. I gave her a hand, which earned me a scowl. "Your Highness, I am quite capable to do this myself," she says irritated but not disrespectful.
"Oh I don't doubt that. You stand your own against Eira on a daily basis. I was just giving you a hand, since you don't have to do it yourself." She chuckled and nodded.
"Thank you. How are you?"
"I'm tired. Aside from that I'm fine. And you? Where were you supposed to be going?"
"What makes you think I was going anywhere?"
"I don't think that dress is for a simple tea date with a friend." Monica looked down and smiled sheepishly at me, color rushing to her cheeks.

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