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 The palace grounds were massive and the Royal Guard's wing was on the other side of the palace. I walked through the gardens towards the barracks. In front of it were sparring rings and exercises, where one squad of the Royal Guard was practicing. General Holden came my way with a big smile and an extended hand. I knew he wasn't entirely comfortable to have me around. He carefully scanned me, noting everything I had.

"Protector Eira, thank you for coming. It's an honor to have one of the best fighters here, aside from my Guard of course," he roared with a proud smile.
"Why don't you tell me about it. We will have to work together after all," I simply replied, keeping my face neutral.
"Of course. Though I doubt we'll get in your way. We can't keep up with prince Thomas. He trains with us of course, but when it comes to escaping us, he uses other talents." I frowned slightly.
"He trains here?"
"Yes. What would the people think if they had a king that can't fight? He is joined with the next round of challenges in half an hour." Holden clearly tried to brush over it, some shame in the words.
"And what is the goal of the challenges?" I asked, knowing full well that Holden didn't like it. He turned his back on me while he stared at the drills going on right now.
"Anyone can fight anyone. Though the prince is on a winning streak. He hasn't been defeated in quite some time." Again a sliver of shame ripples through him.
"Good to know. I would like to see the challenges, if you don't mind."
"Not a problem. Shall we go to my offices in the meantime?" He gritted his teeth, so definitively a problem, though he can't refuse. He knows what Haelyn requested of me.

I nodded and followed the general into the barracks. I kept my eyes on him, reading him as he was not entirely comfortable. His shoulders were tense, his walking stiff and he was watching everything around him. I had to contain a smirk. I have made people uncomfortable before, there was just some satisfaction in seeing the general of the Royal Guard so tense because of my presence. In his office, he sat down and offered me a drink, which I politely refused with a wry smile.
"What would you like to know?" he asked after chugging down his own glass.
"The changing of the guards that stay with the prince, I will need a schedule. How many stay with him, does it change for events, and are there any exceptions to him being with a Guard at all times?" I could see the snare he held in. That information was a very well-kept secret, due to the irregular changes on the walls and in the palace.
"We change every six hours. Two stay with him, only during parades or for travel two more are added and there are no exceptions, besides him escaping us." He clenched his jaw after saying it.

I nodded and looked at him, more closely now. "How does he pull it off? At least four eyes are on him at all times, so does he manage to escape all four?" Invaluable information for me, and poking the bear a little. Just to see how far I can go.
"He goes to his room or the library. It usually starts there. Then, we lose him between the columns and rows of the bookcases. Sometimes he manages to hide in the gardens." I wonder if he meant the library above the Archives.
"Is there a pattern or repetition of any sort?"
"Aside from the gardens, his room or the library, no. It always starts there but it's never the same. Not on the same day, not the same time. Nothing."
"Okay. Are there things he doesn't miss? Or always misses?"
"He never misses practice with the guards. Never misses his lessons. That's about it."

I nodded leaning on the back of a chair. "He already went through the Royal Trials I suppose." More a statement than a question.
"Of course. Years ago."
"How was he before that?"
"Different. Less distant. Actually, he was perfect. Sweet, calm, very interested in everything going on with us. I suspect that's why he never misses practice. He knows everyone by name, he just grew distant."
"How were his Trials? Easy? Hard?"
"As far as my knowledge goes, he hasn't told anyone. He just stays in the library, sometimes goes down a few levels, and manages to disappear." A prince had gone through the Trials, yet nobody knew how it went. A prince who now spent his time with his nose in books.

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