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I felt the warm rays of the sun on my skin. I opened my eyes but found myself in am unfamiliar room. Did someone bring me home or something? That coul- WAIT WHAT-

I turned my head and Gemini laying beside me. I was about to move really fast but my legs got wrapped with the blanket and instead of standing up- I fell on the floor. What a start.

"WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING HERE-" I screamed because I can't remember what happened last night until-

Club. Drunk. Gemini.

I was getting lightheaded. That's when I saw Gemini opened his eyes.

"Goodmorni- why do you look so scared?" Gemini asked as in everything was normal and I was not about to pass out.

Suddenly my eyes fell on my jacket that was on the floor and Gemini's jeans...wait so-


"Uh- we…had sex?" Gemini sounded confused.

Oh God. Someone in the higher heavens must hate me.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE HAD SEX?! I-" Suddenly I felt a pain in my ass. "SHIT-"

"Are you okay?" Gemini said while sitting up on bed.

"I'M FINE!" I immediately ran to the bathroom and locked the doors. Last night came rushing to me.

"So this is your sensitive spot?"

"Don't worry I'll make sure it's your best first and last time."

"You seem to not get enough of me-"

The flashbacks made me feel something strange. I had no idea why I was feeling this way. So, I took a long cold shower and when I came out, Gemini wasn't here. Maybe he went back to his room. Relief and disappointment, both rushed through me. I got ready and went downstairs. Half of me wanted to get out of the house without Gemini noticing but the other half of me wanted to run into him for some reason.

I shook of my head and got out of the house without Gemini noticing.  I shouldn't be feeling this way. Remember what he did to you Fourth.

I just straight went home later.


I finished cooking breakfast for both of us and went upstairs to call Fourth. Maybe he wasn't out of shower yet.

"Fourth?" I entered the room but he wasn't there. "Fourth are you in the bathroom?" I knocked on the door but no answer. I twisted the doornob and it opened. "What the hell?! Where is he?" I went downstairs and checked the other rooms but he wasn't there. So I called him.

He wasn't picking up the call I called him several times. Is he avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? A lot of questions swarmed in my mind. But I pushed it aside and thought that maybe he's busy.

It was already evening time and he still hasn't called back. Before I knew it I realized I've been waiting for him all evening. But I still didn't give up.


I didn't get why he was ignoring me and I was getting frustrated. I needed a drink. So I went to club Fourth told me about. I got in and went towards the side bar. I ordered shots. I was looking around the club but that's when I noticed him. Fourth. At the corner table, laughing with someone. I looked more carefully and that someone was…a woman?

I didn't know if I was jealous but I was feeling something. My blood was boiling when I noticed that the woman was oogling over Fourth. I went and sat on the seat near them. That's when I noticed Fourth was shifting away from the woman but she kept coming closer and touching him.

"Fah..can you stop I'm not in the mood" Fourth said.

"Babe is something wrong?" Fah replied still not moving away.

"Nothing's wrong" Fourth sighed.

"Then..let me do all the work" Fah smirked. She started to touch Fourth's chest when suddenly grabbed her hands.

"Stop it I said" Fourth was annoyed.

"You aren't usually like this what's wrong? Tell me and I can help you" Fah was forcing him.

"What's wrong with me is none of your business. I'm not in the mood tonight so stop" Fourth said straight.

Fah denied and touched Fourth's thighs while slowly tracing her finger up them.

I don't know what happened to be but my body suddenly reacted.
"He told you to stop" I grabbed Fah's hand that was on his thigh.

"Gemini.." Fourth was definitely surprised to me here.

I let go of Fah's hand and grabbed Fourth to take him out of the club. When we reached the front Fourth pulled his hand back from my hold.

"What do you want?" Fourth wasn't making eye contact.

"Look at me"

"Why?" Fourth still didn't look at me. So I held his chin and made him turn to me until our gazes met each other's. Fourth's big dark eyes met my brown almond eyes. I felt the electric buzz in the air.

"Why didn't you answer my calls?" I asked calmly ignoring the fast beating of my heart.

"My phone was on silent" I could tell by his face that he was lying.

The silence hummed for too long until he spoke again to break the silence "if you don't have anything else to talk about I will excuse myself." He was about to walk away when I pulled him by his hand. He tripped on my chest and looked up. "What the hell Gemini!"

"Fourth answer honestly are you ignoring me? What did I do?"

He pushed himself off of me and stand straight "W-what do you mean I'm not ignoring you"

"Well you're clearly trying to avoid me."

"I'm not. What're you doing here go home. Someone might hurt you." Fourth said strictly.

"Then you come home with me." I said without hesitating.

"Don't joke Gemini. Go home." Fourth glared at me.

"Fourth we literally had se-"

"Stop-" Fourth cut me off mid-sentence. "Listen, whatever happened between us last night, stays there. I was drunk and not in my right sense of mind. I don't want to talk about this." Fourth was ignoring my eyes again.

"Fourth! You can't just leave me hanging like this! For fuck's sake we had sex and I can't just not talk about it!" My voice was hoarse.

"I told you I didn't mean any of it! You think I feel good about it?! I've never had sex before and last night was the first time but you stole it from me!" Fourth was shouting.

"You told me you wanted this Fourth-"

"YES I WANT IT BUT NOT LIKE THIS-" Fourth had tears in his eyes. "Gemini don't forget what you did to me 7 years ago. You might've forgotten but I didn't. And I never will."

He added "just because I helped you doesn't mean I forgave you. I will never forgive you, remember that." And he walked away with tears falling from his eyes.

I just stood there. I didn't follow him inside because what he said was right. What I did to him was wrong. And I have no excuses for that.


HI EVERYONE! Okay so in the next chapter I'll add their "flashback" and what actually happened because I bet y'all are clueless✋

Also should I add chapter names or just keep it like this? LET ME KNOW ‼️



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