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"... I-I am...sorry."

Fourths eyes widened just as Gemini said those words like he couldn't get through what the person infront of him just said.

"I'm really am. I know what I did was wrong but-" Gemini tried to explain himself

"I don't want to hear it Gemini"

"But plea-"

Fourth turned around and walked out of the room. Once he was in the hallway, he fastened his pace. But there was a voice calling his name from behind and it was getting closer.

"FOURTH!" Gemini was running to catch up.

Knowing the voice, without looking back he ran. He took the emergency stairs cause the elevator was not on the floor.

After going down a few flight of stairs, Gemini caught up with Fourth. He pinned Fourth to the wall while panting really loudly as he was out of breath. But he was breathing a bit abnormally loud.

"F..Fourth... I- I.." Gemini felt like he couldn't talk. His eyes were blurring out.

Concern hit Fourth. "Hey are you okay?" Fourth was looking at him nervously.

"Yeah..yeah I'm fine. Fourth.. please listen to me..." Gemini was blacking out.

"Fourth..Fourth I need...I need your hel-" before he could finish his sentence. He collapsed in Fourth's arms. Fourth caught him almost immediately.

"GEMINI!!" He panickedly screamed out. Hearing his scream 2 nurses came in luckily and immediately helped bring Gemini to the ER.


"He isn't fully recovered yet. We will keep him in the hospital to inspect him for another week. If nothing comes up, we will discharge him." Fourth said to Gemini's Manager.

"Okay thank you so much Dr.Fourth."


I walked in the room Gemini was in. I was starting to feel nervous and frustrated. "Why did he ask me to help him? Is he in trouble?" I thought to myself.

I was around 11PM and the nurses changed Gemini's clothes and gave him his medications and left. When everyone was out and Gemini was already sleeping, I took the opportunity to go downtown. Hoping racing would make me feel a little bit at ease.

So I did. I changed into a black leather jacket with a black tank top underneath and a navy blue pair of jeans and went out.

When I reached downtown, I was no longer Dr.Fourth Nattawat , I was Night. I was quite popular there. Everybody knew me. Not only I had a lot of fans but I also had a lot of enemies. I went to my Garage and saw my two buddies standing, Mark and Satang.

"NIGHT!! MY MAN HOW ARE YOU" Mark said with excitement.

"Hey man"

"I thought you forgot us" Mark said dramatically while putting his hand on his chest.

"NIGHT??" Satang exclaimed and hugged me. "BRO YOU'RE ALIVE?"

"Now y'all are just being dramatic-"

After those two annoyed the fuck out of me, I got in my car and joined a drifting challenge that was about to start. As soon as I got inside the ring, the roar of the fans intensified.

The challenge started and people were already putting bets. I sped up and hit the brakes when I reached the corner. I turned my steering wheel on full throttle and started drifting in a circular motion. The challenge was that who can keep drifting the longest. And without a doubt, I won.

The people watching went insane. Honestly I liked this feeling, the adrenaline, the blood rushing through my veins. After the race, I went to the garage and said goodbye to my best buddies.

By the time I returned to the hospital it was already 3AM and I was really tired and sleepy as fuck. I sat in the couch but before I knew it, I fell asleep.


I suddenly felt something touching my face. No, not something, someone. I immediately opened my eyes and saw who that was.

"What the fuck are you doing-?"



HOPE YOU LIKED IT AND IM SORRY FOR ANY GRAMMAR OR SPELLING MISTAKES. Don't forget to vote and leave your opinions or suggestions!!


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