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"Gemini. Let go of the door." Fourth said but his voice broke at the end. Why did you do that Gemini-

I was technically all over him, towering him, caging him between my arms. I held the door with one hand and the other was on the other side of Fourth's head. When he turned to me, I was shocked.

His eyes were teary.

"Fourth- I'm sorr-"

"I don't want to hear it." Fourth breathed before I could say anything. "You told me to leave you alone so let go of the door."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight and I don't even know why I said that. I just-" Fourth pulled me by my tee before I could finish my sentence and suddenly crashed his lips into mine.

My eyes widened but before I knew it I was giving in too. Fourth's soft fluffy lips on mine., his one hand holding the hem of his tee and the other one still holding mine. I let my lust take over and grabbed Fourth's waist and pulled him closer. I could feel his heartbeat fast against mine. The kiss was getting intense but just then, Fourth pulled apart.

"We- we shouldn't-" Fourth whispered.

I was too dumbfounded by what just happened so I just stood there. Fourth immediately turned his back to me and walked -no, ran- out of the house.


I couldn't sleep the entire night. I just kept touching my lips and my mind kept going back to the moment when his lips touched mine. I could feel myself getting desperate but I needed to clear the air between us first. Maybe I should give him a call?
I tapped on his contact but my finger lingered on top of the call button. Why was I hesitating?

It's fine Gemini. Just call him and tell him you didn't mean what you said last night and act like the kiss never happened. Easy.

I finally called him. The ring went on...1...2...3...4- why the FUCK am I sweating-

"H-hello?" My heart jumped as soon as I heard his voice. What is happening to me?

"Fourth-Hi um goodmorning." I was already stuttering. Great.

"Goodmorning..." His voice was calm.

"So um,Fourth"-alright here we go- "I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I didn't mean what I said...I don't know what happened to me and I have no excuse. I'm sorry."

"Mm it's okay. I get it and you don't have to be sorry." Fourth said but his voice saddened.

"And um thank you. For cleaning and organizing my room and for making me food yesterday."

Fourth went silent for a few seconds before saying, "Is that all?"

The chest in my pain intensified. "Yes- yes that's all- uh yeah-"

"Okay." He hung up as soon as he said that.


It was already evening and I was getting more and more restless. My feet were starting to hurt from all the pacing. I don't know why I'm feeling like this but I knew I had to fix this, fix us.

I got out the house and started to look for a taxi. After I got in one, I reached the hospital in 20 minutes and started to look for Fourth. I asked the lady in the counter where he was but she replied that Fourth was on his vacation.

I was getting more and more restless but I took another taxi to home. But midway the taxi stopped.

"Sir what happened?"

"Oh they're at it again." He said with a sigh.

"Who? At what?" I was confused.

"Oh you don't know? A few racers have a drifting event here every Thursday night. This is the downtown road so."

Two Worlds (GEMINIFOURTH AU)Where stories live. Discover now