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"F-fourth...they- they are gonna get me... Fourth- I am scared.." Gemini said, his voice hoarse which made it obvious he's crying. Oh god is he having a panic attack?

"Gemini who- who's gonna get you?" I was already in my car, driving to his location. I was trying to keep him on the call but the phone cut off.

"FUCK SHIT-" My heart was beating too loud and I was sweating.

When I reached the front of the house, I quickly got out of my car and opened the door using the second key I kept.

"GEMINI- WHERE ARE YOU" I screamed so that he can hear me.

"GEMIN-" I was about to scream again when I say him, in the living room, curled up under the corner table. I basically ran to him and crouched down infront of him, checking for any injuries. There was none. A slight relief brushed over me but again choked me when I touched him.

"What the fuck you're burning" I said when panic crept into me.

Gemini looked at me threw himself at me and hugged me. But as soon as he did, he lost his consciousness. I felt him let go of any strength he had left and just collapsed.

"GEM-" I rushed him to my bedroom and laid him down on my bed. I took a bowl of water and towel to cool him off first. I wiped his arms and face with the wet towel and it was turn for his body. I hesitated at first but i thought of it as my job.

I slowly started to get the tee shirt he was wearing off of him. When I finally did...his bare body did something to my mind. His defined and muscular body, His veiny arms..was his body always this good? I wonder how it'd look like on top of m- stop. I shouldn't be thinking these. What is wrong with me-

After I wiped him, I put fresh clothes on him and put the used ones in the laundry room. That's when I realized, he hasn't washed any of his clothes. I got out of the laundry room and went in the kitchen.

"What the hell. He barely touched any of the food." I thought to myself. That's when I also noticed the curtains were drawn together and most of the lights were off except for the kitchen spotlight and the corridor lights. I went to the room he was staying in and that room...was a mess. I was genuinely concerned at this point. Was he starving himself? Why hadn't he touched any of his food?

I later cleaned his room, did the laundry and cooked some food for him. I went upstairs and found him sitting on the bed.

"Gemini! You're awake! How are you feeling?" I said finally breathing normally.

"Oh.. Fourth.." Gemini said, his eyes widening as if he was surprised to me. "You're still here?"

"What do you mean- you had a panic attack 2 hours ago and you expect me to just leave you here? I am a doctor for crying out loud, this is my job to stay." I said clarifying.

Even if there was a slight happiness in his face, it quickly got shadowed with disappointment when I said 'it is my job'

"Right.." he said that looking away from me. My stomach did a flip I don't know why, but I was not liking this.

"I made dinner. I'm guessing you haven't had anything?"

Realization crossed his face when he looked at me with wide eyes. I'm sure he just remembered that his room was a mess and he didn't touch any food so that means he didn't eat anything.

"Yes I went to your room and saw...why haven't you touched any of your food?" I said to save him from getting lost in his own thoughts.

"I ordered food from outside." He said without skipping A beat.

"And what happened to your room? Why didn't you do your laundry-"

"Fourth if you're here to lecture me, please go home." Gemini stood up after saying that.

The ache in my chest intensified. What does he mean? Is he mad at me? Uncomfortable feeling set in my stomach on the thought that Gemini might be mad at me.

Gemini was about to go out of the room when I blocked him.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. But are you mad at me?" Fourth why the FUCK are you asking this. Why do you care-

"No. Now, please move I'm hungry." Gemini didn't even look at me while saying that. Is he ignoring me?-

He went down the stairs while I followed him. I served him the food while he sat down.

"I'm not a professional cook but hope you like it." I cooked him Tom Yum Goong, his favorite.

If Gemini was surprised to see his favorite food, he didn't show it. So I just stood there for him to taste the food hoping he'd like it. He took the first spoon and immediately started to devour the soup. I chuckled to my self knowing he likes it.

He finished it and that's when I asked impatiently "So..did you like the food?"

He looked at me and hesitated for a second. "I've had better. Now will you leave me alone?"

I felt the icy pricks stabbing my heart. Who does he think he is? All the earlier sympathy I had for Gemini, vanished in one moment. I could feel my eyes burning and I knew I had to get out as soon as I can.


"I've had better. Now will you leave me alone?"

As soon as I said that I cursed myself. Because I saw Fourth's face immediately getting shadowed with hurt. I felt a pang in my chest. Why would you say that Gemini? What were you thinking-

Before I could say something else, Fourth rushed to the main door to get out of the house. Just as he was about to open the door, I closed it.

"Gemini. Let go of the door." Fourth said but his voice broke at the end. Why did you do that Gemini-


Gemini bro keeps messing UP OH MY GOD. Also from the next chapters I'll try to keep the descriptions low because the chapters are getting too long with less drama so✋



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